We live in a world that is very fast paced at times, and our own minds sometimes have a hard time catching up to what is around us. The trick is not to go along with the stories we are hearing or telling ourselves, it's not that they are not real, they are. If you can imagine your thoughts as something you can change, and when you change your thoughts your actions will change. When we are dissatisfied in life, or we feel that life is treating us unfairly, or when we feel like a victim, it is important in that moment to step back and look at your thoughts. They way we think about what we are going through can actually change the circumstances we are facing. Yes, we all have free will, and sometimes we feel trapped but in reality, even if our circumstances don't change the way we want we can interpret them differently.
The bible says "as a man thinks in his heart so is he." This doesn't mean wishful thinking as if to say you want to be a superhero, that you will somehow develop superpowers, and it is not the power of positive thinking, it is something much deeper than all that. The way we think about ourselves determines who we are, and it can even determine where we will spend eternity. Why I say this, is because as a Christian, I believe Jesus died for my sins and I also believe that he is the Lord. If I say to myself, all that stuff about Jesus being God, and rising from the dead, so on and so forth, I will choose to act as though I am an unforgiven person. If my thoughts are telling me something it is important to listen to them.
I learned in college that not everything we think is the truth. I had an identity back then, which I choose not to believe now. Yes, I believe that God played a big part in changing my mind, but I had to repent. That's what repentance is, it is changing your mind about who God is. Did I have some detours in my life? Yes, but does mean that I need to reinvent myself just yet. Part of my journey to faith involved a discovering of things about myself that were very uncomfortable. I had to truly believe that I wanted to be forgiven. It was a heart thing, and it still is. It can only be a heart thing. If what you are telling yourself about life doesn't line up with what is actually true in your heart, then I don't care what your reality looks like. I would even dare to say that the nature of your reality is not real. It's not that what is happening to you from the outside is false, but your interpretation of your reality is based on untruths that you are telling yourself.
You do not need to go to the ends of the world to fix the problem, because the problem is just what is coming out of your heart. What you believe in your heart will manifest itself, and when it doesn't that doesn't mean that your heart is wrong, it just means that there are some things to be worked on in your life. I hesitate here because I am not a life coach, and I regret saying that you need to change your life, but when our circumstances don't match what is in your heart you have to be patient and wait untill they do.
Never try to manipulate things to get your way. If life is withholding something from you, just say thank you and move on. The best advice is to be kind to yourself. The bible says "delight yourself in God, and he will give you the desires of your heart." But you first need a heart that loves God, you can get there, we all can get there. You will find happiness when you find God. He is the source of everything that you are looking for. The bible says "Taste and see that the Lord is Good." When you desire God, he will give you life and joy. Keep seeking Him no matter how bad you feel, and in time you will feel His love for you. This is Mike.
The bible says "as a man thinks in his heart so is he." This doesn't mean wishful thinking as if to say you want to be a superhero, that you will somehow develop superpowers, and it is not the power of positive thinking, it is something much deeper than all that. The way we think about ourselves determines who we are, and it can even determine where we will spend eternity. Why I say this, is because as a Christian, I believe Jesus died for my sins and I also believe that he is the Lord. If I say to myself, all that stuff about Jesus being God, and rising from the dead, so on and so forth, I will choose to act as though I am an unforgiven person. If my thoughts are telling me something it is important to listen to them.
I learned in college that not everything we think is the truth. I had an identity back then, which I choose not to believe now. Yes, I believe that God played a big part in changing my mind, but I had to repent. That's what repentance is, it is changing your mind about who God is. Did I have some detours in my life? Yes, but does mean that I need to reinvent myself just yet. Part of my journey to faith involved a discovering of things about myself that were very uncomfortable. I had to truly believe that I wanted to be forgiven. It was a heart thing, and it still is. It can only be a heart thing. If what you are telling yourself about life doesn't line up with what is actually true in your heart, then I don't care what your reality looks like. I would even dare to say that the nature of your reality is not real. It's not that what is happening to you from the outside is false, but your interpretation of your reality is based on untruths that you are telling yourself.
You do not need to go to the ends of the world to fix the problem, because the problem is just what is coming out of your heart. What you believe in your heart will manifest itself, and when it doesn't that doesn't mean that your heart is wrong, it just means that there are some things to be worked on in your life. I hesitate here because I am not a life coach, and I regret saying that you need to change your life, but when our circumstances don't match what is in your heart you have to be patient and wait untill they do.
Never try to manipulate things to get your way. If life is withholding something from you, just say thank you and move on. The best advice is to be kind to yourself. The bible says "delight yourself in God, and he will give you the desires of your heart." But you first need a heart that loves God, you can get there, we all can get there. You will find happiness when you find God. He is the source of everything that you are looking for. The bible says "Taste and see that the Lord is Good." When you desire God, he will give you life and joy. Keep seeking Him no matter how bad you feel, and in time you will feel His love for you. This is Mike.
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