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Showing posts from January, 2017

The Changing world, And the changing Church.

There is a lot of talk on the internet about the last days. That somehow history is winding itself down to the imminent second coming of Christ. I do believe that Christ will come for his church as the bible predicts he will, but in my opinion a lot of what is happening is man trying to take control of this world, before the second advent of Christ. The world that is fresh in my memory is a world of personal freedom, little to no war, and no religious persecution like that which we see on a world wide basis. We are living in the same world whether you like it or not, it's not that the world has changed, it's the people living in it that has changed. This world used to be a God fearing world, and after the events of 911, I truly believed we were entering the time talked about in the book of revelation. Just because Christ has not returned yet, doesn't mean that the events in the world are not prophetic. I believe the events we are living in now, and the events that created...

Is there an Expiration Date for Mental Health Treatement?

Like all good things. they must come to an end. This is what I am learning in regards to the mental health care system in Canada. Obviously there is no cure to mental illness, so the thought seems redundant that some service care providers, possibly and government funded organisation would end the mental health care that you are receiving. But this seems to be the case. Organisations like the CMHA enjoy serving those in our community, but they don't seem to have the funds or a mandate to serve you indefinitely. A rude awakening for some of us who have been receiving treatment from them for over a long period of time. This is a refection of the 'new way' that mental health is being ministered in Canada, and specifically Ontario. It is kind of a self-serve treatment process where you pick and choose who and what serves you the best. Self determination is the key ingredient on the menu, but if you don not choose wisely you are out. Our health care system right now ...

Fast Food Religion, isn't it tasty?

Religion has been a corporate enterprise for some time now. I am reminded of Jesus and the money changers in the gospels, and how the Son of man was righteously angry that they had made His father's temple a den of thieves. A good question to ask in the current time, is how would Jesus respond to the corporatization of religion. If you attend church on a regular basis you get a feel that people just want to get in and get out ( of church that is.) They get their fill of God, like he was on a buffet menu, and as soon as they are done they walk out like they just dinned on the Devine. There is even the language of this consumerism culture about the word of God as "food" like in "does your church feed you well." I know Jesus talked about being the bread of Life, and His word being food, but I don't think that he meant it in the way that we are not to live off bread alone, but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Let me quote this verse; (Matthew 4:4 ...

What to do when you feel Helpless?

Nobody likes to think that their circumstances are out of their control. But this can be the way we feel sometimes in life, and the question is what do I do when I feel I cannot control my feelings? The first step is to recognize that what you are feeling are just feelings. Our feelings can get so overwhelming, that we find ourselves thinking things that are out of our character and personality. So much so that we feel trapped in our circumstances, and we feel there is no escape! As a Christian I know what it feels like to have the whole world fighting against me, there is widespread persecution right now throughout the world and if I could I would separate myself from my faith, if it would save my life. When we have to face situations that are beyond our control, the first practical step is to give in fully to our experience of our emotions, and ask the Lord to change our circumstances in His time not ours. We are fighting a battle that takes place in our minds, and as a man/woman t...

The Gospel is for Everyone.

Like me, we sometimes wonder where in this world God is. Our churches are full almost every weekend, but we desire more of God during the regular week.    For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21 ESV) What does it mean to become the righteousness of God? It means that through our faith God has called us just, or righteous. There is a common misconception that because we are in right standing with God that we have to somehow be perfect. The word "perfect" in the bible is not referring to sinless perfection but maturity. But even a baby Christian need not perfect themselves, Christ is the stronghold in our lives if we are following him. He takes our faith, no matter how weak it is and He perfects it. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne ...

My Journey into Evangelicalism.

Step right up, come one come all, we welcome you without judgement. After the horrible attacks in New York on September the 11th 2001 like the rest of the world I did  some serious rethinking about my spiritual life. My major question was how can I reconnect with God? Before the attacks I had begun experiencing extreme anxiety attacks, and it had been a long time since I listened to Christian radio, and something told me that it would be a good idea to start listening again. During a very painful anxiety attack, I tuned into WDCX fm a station I began listening to in 1995 after becoming a born again Christian. I was dramatically saved in 1995, and although I still attended a catholic church, I considered myself to be a Born Again Christian. My understanding of theology was sparse if any understanding at all. I knew I was saved, and I knew I believed. This belief was challenged not too shortly after a honeymoon stage of my conversion. It was the result of a failed re...

Branded with the bible.

It is horrible thing to think of faith as a commodity. We live in Canada, and under our constitution we have the freedom to choose which religion we want to be a part of. Freedom of Religion is a wonderful thing, but even our religious institutions have to obey the laws of our country. We live in a democracy, and I am not a lawyer of any kind but I know there are rules and regulations for non-profit organizations. A discussion that was on the internet a while ago was should some evangelical churches, I believe in the states purposefully loose their non-profit status in order to not be imposed upon by the government. A quick look at this choice would still leave them accountable, for no one is above the law. I'm glad that in Canada we have hate protection laws. At first it would seem redundant, but when you consider the social economic climate we live in these days, they are desperately needed. The way a revolution begins is through hate of some kind, and here in Canada,...

The end of Days, and the Apostate Church.

You will find many a qwerky theologian and many Christians who deny that there will be a last days. The internet is rife with false doctrine, and anti-Christ pundits that it is next to impossible to find the truth, let alone protect your mind from the false teachers and prophets, who will try to lead you to believe that we currently are or soon will be living in the time the book of Revelations predicts. What we can know, is that the time is short, and that every life is to be protected. Knowing the truth, about what the bible says about the end of days, will give you a knowledge about what the bible says so that when you hear some mad prophet saying the end is near, you will already know what the bible says about the second coming of Christ and end time theology. The day of Apostasy must come first. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 NASB Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, 2 that you not b...

Virtue, an uncommon Practice.

When you think of the word virtue, you might think of hard work. Trying to be good in fact seems like it would be a fruitless and tiring exercise. There are only so many saints, so many truly "good" people who have walked this earth, and vice is so appealing and it is so much more easier. The question of theology must be considered, when talking this way about virtue, and we must ask ourselves as Christians on what merit am I saved. The easy way out is to say that Jesus has done it all for me, therefore I need not try to better myself or sanctify myself. It is not just a work of God but there is some human effort required. But this human effort, in my view is a combination of the holy spirit empowering us, and our yielding to the power of the holy spirit. It does take resistance to sin to be virtuous, but as Anglican theologian N.T. Wright points out we have to keep our eschatological view in mind, that being our resurrection into new life. As a Catholic, I keep in mind the d...

When you feel Funky.

We live in a world that is very fast paced at times, and our own minds sometimes have a hard time catching up to what is around us. The trick is not to go along with the stories we are hearing or telling ourselves, it's not that they are not real, they are. If you can imagine your thoughts as something you can change, and when you change your thoughts your actions will change. When we are dissatisfied in life, or we feel that life is treating us unfairly, or when we feel like a victim, it is important in that moment to step back and look at your thoughts. They way we think about what we are going through can actually change the circumstances we are facing. Yes, we all have free will, and sometimes we feel trapped but in reality, even if our circumstances don't change the way we want we can interpret them differently. The bible says "as a man thinks in his heart so is he." This doesn't mean wishful thinking as if to say you want to be a superhero, that you will s...

Why is it so Hard to Let go?

A bit of me is still stuck in last year. It is hard to admit, but there are still somethings that need to be addressed. It's kind of a funny feeling knowing that a new year has begun, and the prognosticator in me wants to plan for every eventuality that I will face in 2017. I like to think ahead, it's a natural thing for me. I want to let go of some things but I am not sure what to really let go of. Life can make us feel like we are alone sometimes, when all around us there is life going on. It is in flashes of brilliance, or just awareness that we become aware that we are not running the show, and that our little voice matters only as much as our words have meaning. In 2016, I found my voice and I'm not sure what that voice is going to look like here and now. They say that there is no better time than the present moment, and a part of me is sort of feeling like a child. I did a lot of inner child work personally by myself in 2016 and what I am learning now is that that i...