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Doctrines of truth.

Let me ask you a question are you saved? Does your life reveal the power of God or doesn't reveal your own power which is being misused right now? The reason why am bringing up the power of God is because a lot of people claim to have strength and power from God when in fact the power comes from their own selves. Do you boast about today and do you boast about tomorrow or do you worry that you will not have enough to make it for today or tomorrow? God did not create us to question him all the time that is to question his love, for the Bible says that God is love and we are to trust in God's love if we want to be one of his children. What does it mean to be a child of God? In essence all of us are part of the human race but that does not mean that every single person living on earth is a child of God. God created humanity to glorify him more specifically to glorify his son Jesus Christ are you doing that with your life? You may ask why does God need to be glorified that's a good question? God needs to be glorified because we are his creation in order to be truly happy we need to ascribe glory or worth to the one who created us that is what it means to glorify God.

When we take the credit for things done in our own lives or in the flesh we fail to recognize that it was God working through you who created those things so therefore God must be acknowledged or else he will not acknowledge us. The Bible says it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God what exactly does that mean and what does it look like? It means failing to give God the glory and in return God removes his glory from our lives in other words he gives us over to our sin. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God because when we are given over to our sin we are completely ignorant to what God wants for our lives. The only path to true happiness and freedom is found in the living God who is revealed through the person of Jesus Christ. When we reject Gods son, more specifically what he has done for us that in essence what we are saying is that we don't need God in our lives, God is our Creator. Only the hardest of criminals and impenitent sinners can testify what it means to be given over to there sin. Even when God gives us over To our sin there is grace and mercy that he uses to draw us back into right relationship with him or into relationship for the first time. But if we remain cold and impenitent there is nothing that God can do not only to draw us back to himself but to save our souls from an eternity in hell.

This is precisely the danger and falling from the grace that God offers to us. You may say that doctrine is not important at this point, but I conceded is more important than ever! The Bible tells us that we are to abide or remain in Christ and how else can we do so unless we are taught what the Scripture says about salvation justification and sanctification. There are many churches who believe in different doctrines according to the three things that I just mentioned but in essence the Bible only teaches one doctrine in accordance with what the scriptures have always confirmed that Christ saves us through the cross of his salvation and justifies us through his resurrection and sanctifies us through the Holy Spirit. This is true salvation. The meritorious death of Jesus Christ on the cross for the payment of all of our sins for the full payment of our past sins our present sins and our future sins is this what you're looking for?

If so trust that you cannot save yourself Nor can your good works or anything else that you been trying to do. Only what Christ has done on the cross in other words the Gospel of your salvation is what can and will save you if you're willing to put your faith and trust in what Jesus did for you on the cross and rose again on the third day confessing him as Lord and Savior of your life. Believing the right things matter and if you have a wrong idea of what the Trinity is or the resurrection you may have a false understanding of salvation. For more teaching on this look up Orthodox Christian doctrine, salvation, resurrection, justification, the Trinity and sanctification. Thanks for reading.


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