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Does she know me?

Does she know me you say? Does she feel me you pray. These are the opening lyrics to one of my latest creations and I would like to talk a little bit about friends and inspiration. Have you ever really asked the question who knows me more than I know myself? You might find this question repugnant because you might not think that anybody really knows you as you know yourself. One of my teachers in College, who was a homosexual asked me "Do you ever get the feeling that people know more about than you expect?" Those weren't his exact words but it gave me the feeling that I might be hiding some of my true feelings from others, while actually believing myself that I was being open and honest. My teacher made me question the fact that there may be more to this Mike Finnerty than I even knew about myself.

Who knows you really? Do you know me you say? Do you feel me you pray. I wonder how many people have never really discovered things about themselves that other people can very clearly see. I'm not saying we should go around questioning our identity. Some people have a very strong sense of self identity. For me this was called into question by a teacher in College. As a kid and I use that word just to define that age where we have not fully entered into the adult world of making a living, and off the training wheels of the private or public education system, what am I really saying?

As adults we should have reached a point in life not where we stop growing up, but there should of been a time usually after high school where we reach a crisis. This usually takes place in Colleges and universities where we question 1. Who we are spiritually 2. What we really love and what we really hate. 3. What is my true sexual identity? 4.What kind of people do I really want to spend my life emulating and being like. eg. Do I really want to be like him..or do I really want to be like her? We are growing up.

I would say that every person needs to answer these questions in their late teens (18-19) or ( 20-21) life is pretty much set as to the course of your existence after these questions have been answered. When you are a College student, not an adult who has gone back to College, there really are no do overs. Adults love to believe that they will ALWAYS get second chances at everything. When a thing is set, when a decision is made it is made forever. Adults love to procrastinate and shift blame for almost everything they do or believe. While you are young, while you are still alive, never put off the decision to do the right thing. You are setting a pattern for all other future decision that you will make when you are an adult.

Be afraid to "experiment" if you want to experiment with any thing experiment with your own self motivation. Why am I doing this? Why am I doing that. If you can make the right decisions in College, I guarantee you will not regret the decisions you make as an adult.

This is mike.


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