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The Cheekyness of the Morning after.

Today I am going to talk about child abuse. I want to even discuss something that you may never heard of and that is adult children being abused by their morally responsible dependants or parents. It is not hard for me to imagine that an adult living at home with some sort of disability can be in danger of being sexually abuse by a father, or other dependent. It happens but nobody is willing to talk about it but I am.

Can you imagine for a moment that you are back in your twenties, if you are a student try to think what your life would be like if you were five or six years older. You are living independently on your own, you have already left your parents house, probably years ago, things are good and all of a sudden you are stricken with a serious illness or disability and because you haven't married yet your only option then is to move back home with your parents who really don't want you. I don't know why, maybe they think that you will cramp their style, maybe they are in denial that you are really sick, there are a million reasons why a dependant adult child can be rejected by their parents in a crisis of a disability.

That said now imagine that these parents want to take total control and legal guardianship of all that child's fiances and health decisions. They discover that the rented house they were living in can be left, (they can move) not because they can afford it, but because their disabled child who was paying taxes on his/her Ontario Disability Payments, and the parents as dependents were entitled to a hefty disability tax return, in their pocket because they didn't know they could claim back taxes on their own child's disability support plan.

Ingenious I know, but what was ingenious or as I would like to call it romantically deceptive, can lead the child to think that his or her parents are taking advantage of their own personal anguish, by buying themselves a new home literally on the back of their disabled adult child who it seems they never wanted back in the first place. Can you feel that this could be a powder keg for all kinds of abuse, mental physical verbal emotional. If the parents didn't want the child back in the first place but were forced to take him/her back, if the parents didn't realize that there were options for living arrangements for their adult child, or if they knew there were arrangements but chose that out of sympathy, the question must be asked who's sympathy, their was a song I learned about in high school by the Rolling Stones called "Sympathy for the Devil." What a great song, I don't know too much about music history but we studied this song in English class and I absolutely fucking loved it. How on God's green earth can we have sympathy for a creature that at it's heart is totally bent on raping, destroying, castigating, manipulating, and any other ing that you can think of.

The song makes you think, I'm to have sympathy!!!! I've read the good book I call myself a believer, but I'm to have what!!! I think there needs to be a revolution with this idea and concept when it comes to adult or the abuse of children.


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