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What is Christ consciousness?

Christ consciousness or Krishna consciousness are exactly the same things. They come from the world of new age spirituality which really has no set doctrine or orthodox teaching. In the new age anything goes. There is a heavy emphasis on angels and reincarnation, and in most new age cults they practise some form of meditation. You will hear about gurus, liberation and emancipation and karma. Or you could hear anything from aliens, to animal spirits to earth worship and sacrifice. They say that Krishna consciousness or Christ consciousness is the goal of meditation, usually transcendental meditation. Most cults have stopped using drugs to produce an ecstasy or ecstatic high that they call bliss that drives them deeper and deeper into the world of the occult.

It is not satanism, there is no worship of Satan, in fact they will tell you that they are free and are worshipping God. But the bible says to test the spirits to see if in fact they are of God. With no theology they practically rely on subjective experience to authenticate their teachings. Yes the new age has teachings, they have lots and lots of teachings but they are all different depending where you worship.

Christ consciousness, is not like the presence of God Christians experience, in fact it is a totally subjective experience. Kind of like a ride a Canada's Wonderland if you were the only person on the ride and had to explain it to others. That's what Krishna consciousness is like and pretty much everything in the new age movement. Totally subjective, with no objective moral truth or absolute truth to back up the experiences and teachings. Here is your ticket, enjoy the ride.


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