If you were to ask 99 evangelical or born again Christians what their view on homosexuality is, I think you would be surprised by their answer. There is a sweeping tolerance on the view that homosexuality is no longer a sin, and if fact that the act of homosexuality is not as immoral as we once thought it was. I used to be a homosexual and through faith in Christ "repented of that sin" (1 Corinthians 6:9) and it should be very clear that like murder or adultery that being gay according to the bible, will not bring you into the presence of God when you die.
There is enormous confusion in the secular world, that the bible no longer is even recognised as an authority on secular matters, and that we are hating the pro gay agenda people and are pointing them out for condemnation. If someone is dying and you have the remedy that will save them, it is criminal at best not to share with them 1. The way to Heaven and 2. Their sin that they must repent of if they want to be forgiven by God. It is an act of love to stand up for heterosexual marriage, and to share the gospel of our salvation to those who are trapped in the homosexual lifestyle.
There is enormous confusion in the secular world, that the bible no longer is even recognised as an authority on secular matters, and that we are hating the pro gay agenda people and are pointing them out for condemnation. If someone is dying and you have the remedy that will save them, it is criminal at best not to share with them 1. The way to Heaven and 2. Their sin that they must repent of if they want to be forgiven by God. It is an act of love to stand up for heterosexual marriage, and to share the gospel of our salvation to those who are trapped in the homosexual lifestyle.
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