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Showing posts from May, 2012

A Church is not a Church.

Stained glass windows, an organ player and yes the choir. Am I in a church? All the outward manifestations seem to tell me that I am, but what kind of Jesus are they preaching? Before I became a evangelical christian, I attended the catholic church. I remember being gay in college (and I don't mean happy) although I was happy being gay, I attended a catholic church just down and around the street from where I share an apartment with two friends. I remember being in the church, and there was another gay guy from my school who went to the same church. My intention is not to paste the catholic church as a gay church. I believed I had every right to be in that church, even though I was very confused as to my catholic identity and my personal sexual identity. The reason for this blog is to reveal to you just who the church is. Just because I attended a Church, didn't mean that I was a part of 'the church' in the biblical way. Some of us get so wrapped up in the idea that I...

Justification, a new outlook?

Oh Lord let your righteousness fall, may we be  filled with your righteousness (I almost said killed), let your righteousness fall like the new born dew and mist after a night of rain, oh let it fall let it fall. Let's talk about righteousness for a while. We know that the bible teaches us that we are to be holy but what does that mean? It means we are to be separate. But that is a vague definition, there are Hindu monks in the Himalayas who live a life of asceticism, they are as separate as can be but are they holy? In their faith tradition they are extremely holy. This is not a trick question. Like is there 'Christian holiness, Muslim holiness, Buddhist holiness, Hindu holiness, true holiness is like finding a needle in a hay stack because it requires one thing; sacrifice . If you study Hinduism the Hindu priests sacrifice to their goddesses and gods but does that make them holy? In the Roman Catholic church the priests are considered holy because they have been ordained f...

The new Enlightenment.

Spring forward and fall back. Wasn't it said by someone that there is nothing new under the sun? When a good man says nothing evil prospers, so I will speak with all of my heart and not let them touch me. I do not consider myself to be a rebel, nor do I consider myself to be a saint, (even though I am) I do consider myself to be a truth teller. So I will tell the truth and I will die for it. Maybe I'm already dead. Pilate asked the question, and my philosophy will answer it, What is truth? Truth is truth. There is no diverse answer to that question other than truth is truth. How do you unveil the truth? You don't, you either know the truth or you don't know it! Will I tell you the truth? Your truth is relative, but his truth is subjective. It is subjective because he knows the truth, he is the truth, and he invented the truth, nay he was born the truth. He Created the truth, truth is his nature, Can he lie? No, but we have invented the truth, we have redesigned the t...

The new Evolution of Homosexual thinking.

If you were to ask 99 evangelical or born again Christians what their view on homosexuality is, I think you would be surprised by their answer. There is a sweeping tolerance on the view that homosexuality is no longer a sin, and if fact that the act of homosexuality is not as immoral as we once thought it was. I used to be a homosexual and through faith in Christ "repented of that sin" (1 Corinthians 6:9) and it should be very clear that like murder or adultery that being gay according to the bible, will not bring you into the presence of God when you die. There is enormous confusion in the secular world, that the bible no longer is even recognised as an authority on secular matters, and that we are hating the pro gay agenda people and are pointing them out for condemnation. If someone is dying and you have the remedy that will save them, it is criminal at best not to share with them 1. The way to Heaven and 2. Their sin that they must repent of if they want to be forgiven ...

Lord give me faith to believe.

We all want things in life, but the truth is is that some of us will die not ever really understanding the purpose of life was to receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour! The message is so simple that you stumble over the answer again and again. I know the reason for our existence, do you want to know? It's going to take a commitment, a commitment of faith and of trust. Will you do it? You say well maybe if I know a little more, well here it is; You cannot go to Heaven unless you are born again! This is the truth do you accept it? Is it hard to believe for you that God said accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, why won't you do it? I know then I'll become a hypocrite just like you are! Right! This is serious business, millions of people and possible you are headed for an eternity of a Christ less existence in a place call hell. I urge you with all of my heart, repent of your sins, confess your sins to God, admit that you are a sinner. Fall on your knees and call out to Go...

Live for Christ.

Today is your birthday you say? If you had one wish, one wish in the world..would that be to give your entire life over to Jesus Christ? I hesitate to put a question mark at the end of that sentence, the question really is; give your life over to Jesus Christ! I have tried women, na, I have tried men, I have made a deal with my delusions, but He keeps coming back again. I have tried food, I have tried drink, I have tried everything but misery, what do you think? I have tried ketchup, I have tried to make a deal with the devil, but everything revolves around the Sun, not the blues or reggae or hip hop. I have tried movie stars, I have tried sex on the beach, I have tried counting stars, I have tried brothers and sisters, I have tried childhood crushes, I have tried a box of matches, I have tried my foolish pride, I have tried U2. I have tried scissors, I have tried the Internet, I have tried dirty sox, I have tried being a mama's almost worked. I have tried my brain, I hav...

When our Conscience is seared.

What happens to individuals, nay societies when they have seared their conscience? The grossest of immorality that one can imagine. I am thinking about the sex show that the Canadian taxpayer are paying for for our 12 to 16 year old students in Ottawa are being exposed to. There is no shame in our media, and there is no out rage among parents, who are allowing our children to see graphic images of sex and sexual toys as if this is normal for 12 year old and 16 year old students to view, via the approval of yes the government of Canada. These paedophiles in our government and our school boards should be arrested and put in jail for exposing children to hard and soft core pornography on our taxpayer dime. This is not the sex education that I was taught in high school. The government of Canada is in fact endorsing and promoting sexual intercourse between minors by exposing them to this pornography as required in their sex education program in their school. Where has morality gone? Where...

Jimmy Swaggart and the Message of the Cross.

I was only fifteen years old when the Jimmy Swaggart scandal broke out, was not a born again Christian, and just remembering that there was this awful christian guy who did something with a prostitute. That was my last memory of Jimmy Swaggart. I accepted the Lord in 1995 when I was twenty one and got most of my spiritual food through Christian radio. Sometime after the horrible events of September 11, 2001 when the World Trade Towers were attacked, I stumbled across Jimmy Swaggart on television, probably one Sunday morning getting ready for church. I believe the first thing I ordered from this ministry was a bible commentary on the book of Daniel. I also ordered some study guides, but what they were preaching sounded right, even though everyone around me was criticising me for supporting a once fallen evangelist. And my message to you is the same that it was to them at the time, "Listen to the message he is preaching, and if you don't agree with the message, then you can crit...

What is Christ consciousness?

Christ consciousness or Krishna consciousness are exactly the same things. They come from the world of new age spirituality which really has no set doctrine or orthodox teaching. In the new age anything goes. There is a heavy emphasis on angels and reincarnation, and in most new age cults they practise some form of meditation. You will hear about gurus, liberation and emancipation and karma. Or you could hear anything from aliens, to animal spirits to earth worship and sacrifice. They say that Krishna consciousness or Christ consciousness is the goal of meditation, usually transcendental meditation. Most cults have stopped using drugs to produce an ecstasy or ecstatic high that they call bliss that drives them deeper and deeper into the world of the occult. It is not satanism, there is no worship of Satan, in fact they will tell you that they are free and are worshipping God. But the bible says to test the spirits to see if in fact they are of God. With no theology they practically r...

There is no commonality.

When you think of human nature and human desire I bet you would think that there is great commonality among the human race. I am writing this not out of a sense of rage but out of the commonality of the true human race. I want to ask you a question, Do we all die together? The answer to that question is no. But I know what you would say, we are so common as human beings that we all end up in the same place after we die. You my friend are a universalist. Your pride and your ego have lead you to believe that there is no Heaven and there is no hell. I personally believe that hell will be as populated as ten earths, and that is a light assessment. If you think that just because you are a good person and because you think that life has been kind to you by giving you an exulted ego and intelligence you are wrongly mistaken. The bible calls you proud, and just because you were given everything your heart desired doesn't mean that you were blessed by God, (read the story of the rich man an...

In the Jail house of sin.

Have you ever been to court? Even worse have you ever been to jail? We live in a free country, but the one thing we are not free to do is break our laws. I am not a perfect person and when I am convicted of sin the first thing I want to do is defend myself. As humans we have a great desire for self preservation. We go to health food stores, we take our bodies very seriously. We coddle and care for our own flesh as if our flesh could save us. If some of us had our own way we would pamper ourselves to the point that we spend millions of dollars in body reconstruction. The body is not bad. We live in a body, and our bodies need food rest and sleep if we are to stay healthy and sane. But the bible tells us we are to present our bodies a living sacrifice unto God, for this is our spiritual act of service. What happens when we want things and we cannot get them? Do we become frustrated and demand that the cosmos bend to our own particular desires? In fact you are a child of God and doesn...

Rules for Radicals.

Community organizer, social reformer, master of guessed it: Barack Obama. Where did this man get his idea's to destroy the economy of the united States?  Saul alinsky. Why are the churches corrupt? Glad you asked, Saul alinsky, Peter Drucker, Rick Warren, and the dialectical prosess. No I am not out to make friends, are you part of the herd? Here is the purpose of Obama's favorite book. In this book we are concerned with how to create mass organizations to seize power and give it to the people; to realize the democratic dream of equality, justice, peace.... "Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.' This means revolution." p.3 "Radicals must be resilient, adaptable to shifting political circumstances, and sensitive enough to the process of action and reaction to avoid being trapped by their own tactics and forced to travel a road not of their choosing." p.6 ...

The Decline of the Twentieth Century Church.

There is a paradigm change happening beyond your imagination and it is happening in your own church, right in front of your eyes. It is a dialectical change that has as it's purpose to change your thinking and worldview away from the bible (didactic thinking) to a dialectical mindset preparing the way for a global government and a global church. You might be right in thinking that the book of Revelation has something to say about a one world government and a global religion, it called the mark of the beast 666. Before calling me a conspiracy theorist, I want you to examine your own heart right now. Does your thinking line up with the bible? Didactic reasoning is logical thinking that proves the existence of God through faith in what the bible teaches about Christ. Dialectical thinking is contrary to the word of God and uses logical fallacies to produce compromise is your morality, to do things that you would not normally do, with cohersion. It takes the word of God and uses it ...

God's wrath, not for his children.

I was listening to a video by Pastor John MacArthur last year titled "Abandoned by God" and in this video he talks about how God gives a nation over to it's sin. He clearly says in this video that God has abandoned America. How sad it is when we as a country refuse to accept the things of the God of the Bible, and can I say that we serve a God of great patience and long suffering, so why would a loving God give a country up to it's own sin? I think I know the answer to that question and it lies in the human heart. The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, and does the collective sin of a country give God the right to abandon that nation, and what does it take for human beings to do that God says enough. Surely salvation is an individual experience, and we would like to believe that even though we have no desire for God he still loves us and would never leave us permanently. I liken it if I can to a grown up child, who refuses to be a part of his blood family by...