Why we need Social Order. Society was given to us by God, and we need to protect the social order that exists. Mankind needs just laws and order, so we can flourish as a community. When conflict occurs within our ordered society, we reflect the just nature of God by keeping peace, and keeping the order in a society. What makes a country great, and what keeps Canada free is the Justice that runs a nation. National peace and order comes from God, and mankind's ability to understand this and keep it. When we as a nation reject God, He intends His people to glorify Him. Nations are kept safe by divine providence and protection and it is our responsibility to be good citizens. Society needs to seek the will of God, so that the Lord will protect our nation. It is our responsibility to remember God, because a nation without God will be a poor nation. The way we protect our sovereignty is by Glorifying God in our country. The bible should be honoured in every land where we want to liv...