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Showing posts from May, 2020

Social Order.

Why we need Social Order. Society was given to us by God, and we need to protect the social order that exists. Mankind needs just laws and order, so we can flourish as a community. When conflict occurs within our ordered society, we reflect the just nature of God by keeping peace, and keeping the order in a society. What makes a country great, and what keeps Canada free is the Justice that runs a nation. National peace and order comes from God, and mankind's ability to understand this and keep it. When we as a nation reject God, He intends His people to glorify Him. Nations are kept safe by divine providence and protection and it is our responsibility to be good citizens. Society needs to seek the will of God, so that the Lord will protect our nation. It is our responsibility to remember God, because a nation without God will be a poor nation. The way we protect our sovereignty is by Glorifying God in our country. The bible should be honoured in every land where we want to liv...

Romans 8:12-13 Life and Death.

If You are Living According to the flesh, you will Die. Romans 8:12-13 At first glance this sounds like a threat, but it comes directly from the bible. "Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation—but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it. 13 For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live." Romans 8:12-13 | NIV We all live in a physical body, but this is not what this verse means. What it means is that when we die we will be judged by the things we did in our flesh, or our body. Those who have never received new spiritual life in God, are said to be in the flesh, rather than being in the spirit. When we live a spiritual life, part of our responsibility is putting off the deeds of the flesh. What that means is knowing what is sinful and what is not. If you don't believe there is something called sin, you are in the flesh (probably) and if you die that way you will be...

Hugs in Heaven. The Missed Psychology of Social Distancing and Human Touch.

The Missed Psychology of Social Distancing and Human Touch. (Human Touch in Heaven) As human beings we all desire love and affection. One of the ways humans show love is through physical contact. As we are growing up the way we nurture relationships is through handshakes, kisses, and hugs. It almost goes against human nature to say that we have to refrain from touching because it's the law. Part of our psychology as humans for survival is learning behaviours that keeps us alive, but also part of human psychology is doing things that give us pleasure. Human touch can be healthy and healing and it is part of our make up as humans to touch one another. When we are denied that part of our human psychology that creates pleasure, and was created for people in bodies to express love, we become a very confused species. Not only do our souls need assurance, but sometimes we need physical assurance too. But what happens to a society that bans social touch? Number one, we will still feel...

Are Places of Worship Essential?

Are Places of Worship Essential? The short answer is yes, but not obviously for everyone. There was a time in my life where religion played a secondary role in my life, and it wasn't until I started to feel my need for Jesus that I woke up to the truth. But you would just say that is my truth, and not yours. I don't wish to offend anyone, but if my religious rights are being overturned to protect those who don't believe, then that is a problem. The reason why some of us believe our faith and the right to practice it is essential is because it has value in our lives. God has changed us from the person we used to be into something new, and we value our relationship with God more than anything else. But you would say that you value God more than your health? It is God who gives us our health, and it is also our God who determines when and how we are going to die. It is not right to say we are putting other people's life in danger, because even if you survived the corona ...

God put an End to Sin in Jesus Christ.

God put an End to Sin in Jesus Christ. Inherent in the New Testament is deliverance from sin. God sent Jesus in Time to create something new in time, that won't be abolished even when time ends, or when we die. We know that because the New Testament is everlasting, that God will be with us even to the end of time. There are moments in time, where God judges the world, but the greatest judgement for our sins was Jesus dying for all of humanity. When we choose not to accept this, God waits, because He knows that our lives are not over. As long as we exist in time, there should always be mercy, for God's Holy Spirit is active in the world today. To say that the accumulated sins of humanity deserve God's judgement, would in essence be saying that the cross on which Jesus died was insufficient for us. When we think about sin, we should be grateful that through the death of Jesus Christ,  (our Saviour and Lord) God fully judged humanity for it's rebellion and failure to k...

The Gift of Self-Acceptance.

The Gift of Self-Acceptance. At times we are all vulnerable. Even the strongest of personalities can suffer with feelings of being insecure. When this happens, the trick is not to convince yourself that you are loveable, because that is something we intrinsically possess, but to practice ways in which you demonstrate that you love yourself, despite what you may be feeling. In our souls is a need and a craving to show and accept love, but we can only do this when we know how to live with our weaknesses. By becoming vulnerable with yourself, you can hold your strength in check, in order to discover your weaknesses. You want to see them, and then ignore them. We all need to live from a place of strength, but that doesn't mean you become unaware of your weaknesses. Self -acceptance is the process in which you discover your strengths and decide to live by them, while at the same time becoming aware of your weaknesses. When you begin to see yourself as strong, you can build on those ...


Eschatology. Christ will descend to this world at an unexpected hour for those who are not waiting for his appearing. Those who are dead and are asleep in Christ will rise from the dead to meet the Lord in the air, with those Christians who are still alive, and so we shall be forever with the Lord. 13 "Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. 14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15 According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive an...

Risk Mitigation Theory Part II.

Risk Mitigation Theory Part II In all theories there is a margin for error, but what must be considered now is human nature, and the natural resistance that mankind puts up with change. In order to compensate for natural deficiencies in mankind, we all must consider the natural outcome of time. Time naturally produces alterations in the universe and in the human body and consciousness. When unwanted change is forced on us, we naturally don't go along with it wholeheartedly. In order to overcome this obstacle, we need to see the value in change. When we value restrictions put on us to preserve life, two things can happen. One we will desire more information in order to make a choice based on our values, or two we will resist the change, but go along with it reluctantly. When we do this, we fail to see that with the passage of time, our souls change along with the environment around us. Our bodies live in a temporary environment, so therefore our existence here is temporary as is...

Risk Mitigation Theory.

Risk Mitigation Theory. To reduce risk prevention, risk mitigation is a theory I am using to describe DMB (death mitigation behaviours). In order to prevent a crisis from becoming something that causes mass tragedy, behaviour modifications should be considered to reduce the transmission and spread of the crisis. Insurance policies need to consider the risk assessment in direct correlation to DMB, and the things being weighed. When this is done properly, things like mass gatherings can be looked at, in the sense of low risk management and assessment, in order to insure the places that facilitate things like religion and entertainment can be attended properly by all, (opinion mine.) Only when DBM/DMB has been properly endorsed and practised, can society look at the low risk of transmission of disease etc. DMB must be practised in mass in order for everybody to be equally well trained in practising DMB when in public. Of course these are my terms, and this is just the beginning of my ...

Hope During Troubling Times.

Hope During Troubling Times. It is hard to imagine a future that is free from pain. When we suffer, we want immediate relief. We can spend all our time wondering when our pain will end, and that is a normal response to human suffering. What I have learned in the past about suffering is that the cause of pain might not end, but the way we process and accept the pain can ease our anxiety, and cause the human soul to feel joy again. Living with uncertainty is a gift that we should all desire, especially when we feel we have lost our way as a society. We might not feel that we are being given any direction as to how we can continue living with instability, and we might be questioning the purpose of our situation and how we can be happy despite our very lives being put to the test. There is no magic wand, or quick fix, but that is the good news! When we as humans are forced to face our mortality, we have a choice to make. Like all choices, there are serious consequences to what we choos...

Intense Spiritual Warfare and the World.

Intense Spiritual Warfare and the World. Just behind this world is a spiritual world, and in this spiritual world there is war constantly going on by the Angels of God, and Satan and his demons, which are fallen angels. The bible teaches this, that whatever happens in this realm determines what happens on earth. There are definite things in the plan of God that are preordained to happen on earth, but Satan and his demons try to prevent the plan of God from taking place on the earth. This is why these angels are fighting, God's hosts are trying to carry out the plans of God, but are constantly being resisted by the devil and his fallen angels. In the book of revelation it talks about a war breaking out in Heaven between the archangel Michael and his holy angels and Satan and his demons. "7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, 8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven....

What Happens to you When you Die?

What happens to you when you Die? Death can be a terror for some people, but for those who lived a good life, and die in the grace of God, it doesn't have to be fearful. Jesus referred to it as sleep, but he didn't mean that the soul loses consciousness after death. For most people it is a seamless transition from one life to the next, where the soul now separated from the body awaits the resurrection in Christ. When we have lived a good life, conscious of God's forgiveness and love, death shouldn't be feared even though it still is fearful for most of us. The important thing is to be ready before it happens and we do this by being kind and forgiving people. The conscience is affected in the sense that we need to keep it clean and clear. Saying you are saved means you live with love and kindness. For those who die in God's grace, they will experience the Presence of God, maybe for the first time in their existence. God's mercy is available to all people now ...