A lot has been said over the centuries about what makes a man or woman successful. There has been debates within our society over just what success really is? A lot of it depends on your personality and your personal values and goals. What makes one man or one woman a success, could in the same sense be the failure of another man, or woman. One of the keys to understanding why certain people thrive in life, and despite setbacks continue to make progress, is because they understand that success is not an outward thing, but an inward thing. The wise people in our society understand that if you have the wrong attitude towards your fellow man, or for yourself for that matter, what you think you are you become. There is no law in the universe that says that you were destined to be a failure. You either set yourself for happiness, or you don't. It as simple as that.
Challenges are God's way to test you.
Challenges are God's way to test you.
Whether you believe in god or not, it really doesn't matter. It only matters when you think that life's obstacles are insurmountable. We usually live with the mindset that only the rich and famous are the ones with the secret to happiness, but nothing is further from the truth. I personally believe that each human being (if they want it) has within them the potential to do great things, but what stops some people from trying, is a lack of consistency in their lives and the will to do it.
Also, your attitude determines your velocity. Small minded thinking produces a small minded life. Those who accomplish great things for the betterment of society have a drive to be good people first and foremost, and part of being a good person is treating every human being with dignity and respect. Without this kind of attitude, you may have some kind of temporary happiness, but in the long run you will run out of steam. The ability to see through relationship conflict, is a gift that all successful people acquire in life.
Good Relationships will Help you to find Your Purpose.
Part of the problem with most people is that they don't value relationships. God gave us one
another, not so we could destroy each other, but so that we could help each other find the meaning in life. When you devalue people, you are in essence devaluing your own quest for purpose. Healthy relationships are needed, not so people are used in the process, but to find the right people to help you find your purpose. When relationships break down, you start to think that you will never be happy again because you thought that the relationship was the purpose. The relationships in our lives, are a means to help us understand that we are not alone in this universe, and they are to be valued above all else (other than God) because without healthy relationships, we remain stuck in our dysfunction.
When something is not repairable we need to let those thing go. When we let it go, we are giving ourselves the permission to move on in life. It is an inward thing, not an outward thing, because some situations need our constant care, and we can do our part without sacrificing our own happiness. It really is about our attitudes at this point.
Let others judge you, without taking it personally.
This is the key to letting go. When we let other people's opinions get in the way of our own self estimation of who we are, we are giving them a power that only God has. God is the ultimate judge, not man. Other human being have the potential of causing one another great pain, or great joy. Life is a test in that matter, and it's really up to us if we pass or fail the test.
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