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My Story.

I guess you could say I was an average man. Never really got my self into trouble, obeyed the golden rule, and grew up being taught the principles found in Roman Catholicism. I was always a good looking kid. They always used to say that I looked like my mother. Something I now regret, because it sort of emasculated me a little bit. One girlfriend in high school dumped me because I was known for 'going too far' be it with willing girls, and when I tried it on her she would have no way of it. She grew up in a good family. Although she dumped me, for the longest time I had a great sense of respect for her, and couldn't figure out why, it was when I became a committed christian that I finally understood that "no" for sex was actually a good thing.

In my late teens, early twenties, I began a path of self discovery. It started in high school where my best friend recommended that I take drama to keep him company. I was shy but had a big ego and if my friend was there I thought, I could overcome the embarrassment of 'acting' in front of my peers. So I did it. There was a turning point in my life when the most popular actor happened to see a one act play that I was in, and said "I didn't know he (me!) was that good!" This gave me the confidence to apply to theatre school when high school was over. My journey continued in college, but a new journey was about to soon take place.

I studied musical theatre performance, and saw myself in five years acting professionally in Toronto or good heavens New York maybe in ten. But my dreams were not to come true. I began experimenting sexually with other men, and became very confused..was I gay? I couldn't live with the thought that I was gay even though I was acting out as a gay man, and loved it. I never finished my final year in college and moved back home. I also broke up with my boyfriend. He didn't like it and neither did I.

I wanted to be straight, I was in high school, I just didn't know what to do. My dad had a car business, and I used to work for him. One day as I was cleaning a car a radio program came on the air. They were talking about homosexuality and how Jesus can set you free from that sin.

I called the radio Ministry and told them I needed help. They sent me the information I needed and about two weeks later I had been born again. I was saved from my sin of homosexuality and all of my other sins.


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