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A New Paradigm for Community Development.

 Many people worldwide are wondering why there is so much financial insecurity in the world? Could it be that leaders in our society have prioritized wrongly in developing modern nations? The world paradigm for communities worldwide has been growth and development. The problem is that they have failed to consider the poor, the disabled and the elderly in their planning. The goal of modern leaders is the mega city. There is absolutely no humanitarian planning to help the poor, and this is why the world is suffering right now. God cares for the poor, the elderly and the disabled but modern growth tends to push these people away, and only caters to the rich. The reason why the world is suffering right now is because of poor planning by our leaders, who see these groups with scorn and tend to only do things that grow and develop their nations.

We cannot live in a just society if we neglect the needs of the poor, and true growth considers the lives of all people, not just the super rich. Greed has allowed many political leaders to essentially push aside the poor common man, and build societies around the idea of profit only. Most of our leaders have lost touch with the poor because they are super rich themselves. The poor don't really benefit living in a society that only caters to the rich because their voice is constantly ignored, pushed aside, and even suppressed by those who should be caring for them.

God will not prosper a nation who forsakes the poor, the elderly, and the disabled, but because of pride we all find ourselves in a violent world, a world that cares nothing for human rights, and a world that cares nothing for the poor. God forgive us. There are lots of resources for us to harness but they must be used to help all people. The world has lost the vision of love and compassion, that in previous generations was remembered better. In order to regain a sense of stability in the world, our political leaders have to remember principles that helped us in the past. 

We can no longer ignore the voice of the poor, the hungry and the oppressed. We must listen and act for them. We ourselves can do this. The current social and political landscape paradigm for most cities and countries worldwide is currently wrong. leaders are focused only on growth and development. Instead they should be planning more for needs of compassion. The reason why there are food insecurities and high prices, is because our leaders are making the rich richer, and the poor poorer. Developing a community must also consider the poor and humanitarian needs. Development must included compassionate care for all members of the society. Injustice should just not be talked about, but practical measures should be taken by all municipal, provincial, and federal leaders to bring relief to the poor, the disabled and the elderly, if they want to prosper in the long run. Development planning should always include these people groups, and governments should never only cater to the extremely rich in our society. With God's help, we can do this! This is Mike.


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