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Has Our Culture become De-moralizing?

We Live in a De-moralizing Culture.

I have said this before that "how our society treats the vulnerable in our society, determines if that society will survive." The weakest among humans should not be exploited but protected. When "our" culture sees weakness as an evil, something to be hidden and eradicated we begin to loose our humanity, and whatever blessings we have achieved as people. The polarization of certain poor people groups because we fear our own weakness, is a great sin against our human nature and the progression of our culture. Being strong is not a virtue, and clobbering the poor, will only result in our own poverty as a nation and as peoples. I still believe in the golden rule and karma, so to speak, so how I treat my vulnerable country men is how I will be treated when I am in need.

We never foresee tragedy when it comes, so God tests us before it happens. We cannot separate ourselves from our weakened human natures and everyone is vulnerable, even if they don't realize it now. The reason why I think we live in a de-moralizing culture is because our culture places "value" on the strong and suppresses the weak. We feel that vulnerability is a sin, and that illness is a curse. We don't feel the redemptive quality in the dignity of suffering, so we try to hide "those in our culture who are weaker than we are." This is sinful.

Human dignity "lives" in every human being because we all thirst, and to eradicate our thirst for life because some of us are suffering is wrong. The more our culture pushes the weak out of their human position of suffering and into the abyss of oblivion, the more and more human suffering we will see, because all of us "humans" are connected even the strongest to the weakest, reality has to win the day.

In the end we will all be judged not on what we did alone, but what kind of person we are becoming. The human tragedy isn't that we don't know how to alleviate someone's suffering, it is that we might have tried to do something, and we did nothing at all. This is Mike.


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