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Showing posts from March, 2019

What is Going on in the Church Right Now?

Evangelical extinction. Some get the feeling that the evangelical church is loosing it's influence in the western world. As radical cultural shifts in politics and family values has happened not just in Canada, but in the States as well, the evangelical church in my opinion is really struggling to maintain it's identity in Christ. Yes, Jesus said the gates of hell would not prevail against his church, so this is why I am cautioning followers of Christ to pray. Most of the western world has really turned against born again Christians, and they are finding it harder and harder to fit into this post modern world. Family values are becoming extinct and it is harder and harder to find people who believe in the traditional family. Christianity in general has been at war with itself for a long time, and through the church has been resisting the breakdown in our families and in society, but there are very few in the secular world who are ready to listen to the evangelical gospel. Any...

We Have Forgotten God.

We are currently living in a society that has forgotten God. I grew up and still believe in the natural law, which is the natural order of the moral and physical universe. Included in the natural laws are the laws of motion and gravity. I am not saying there is a certain way to behave and not, but there are natural consequences to all actions, some call this the law of Karma. But bigger than the law of Karma is the law of cause and effect or moral and natural consequentialism laws. For example, if you have a disease and fail to take your medicine you could very well die. If mankind continues to act or behave in a certain way, they will die Spiritually now and in the next life. The problem is man has forgotten God. Mankind has chosen to worship nature and it's self which leaves little room for anything else. I am not mad about this, it just seems incredibly futile to live your life as if there were no Heaven or Hell or God. The book of Romans says that mankind supresses the truth,...

Environmental Changes.

We Are Called to be Good Stewards of the Earth. Times have really changed and along with the changes in our world there has been changes in our environment. I worked for Greenpeace one summer in my 20's and had first hand experience in the environmental movement. Back in the 1990's there was basically the same concerns for the environment that we have now, but there were less people on board or talking about it. I felt like I was part of something that not many people were a part of, and over the years I have seen the climate get warmer and cooler. The world was not so strongly opposed to making changes in our society, and environmental law was politely considered, not brutally demanded. We felt like there was still the possibility to make lasting changes for future generations, generations that are now living. I really tried hard to change things and even took action to get an education in Environmental Science, which didn't work out for me because I didn't know ho...

The virtue of Patience.

Today I want to write about faith and how important it is to go to Heaven. Heaven is more than just a state of mind, it is the reward for those who persevere in faith until the end of their lives. Because God doesn't tell us when our lives will end, and sin is our enemy, God gives us Grace so even if we fall, his grace is there to lift us up in the end. Patience is nessesary in this life because life can get very difficult at times, we need the virtue of patience to make it through each day. We all desire love in this life, and some of us are blessed with an abundance of it, however there are millions of people young and old, who are desperately looking for someone to meet that need. When we are journeying in life, it is very important to forgive and be patient with others. Especially our enemies. We can practice this virtue even though we are suffering now, it hurts sometimes when we are in pain and we see others prospering. King David experienced jealousy when his life was mise...

Anxiety Hurts.

I am not a professional counselor however I know from personal experience that anxiety can prevent you from doing a lot of things. When we have unmet needs or dreams, it takes a lot of courage and time to work through the feelings of being disappointed. When I am waiting for something to happen, or when I feel I am procrastinating certain decisions that I know will benefit my health, I can very easily defeat myself. Sometimes it's just a matter of believing in yourself, or sometimes it's just trying something that you have always dreaded. We fear what we don't know, and when I step out in my faith and try to do that thing that has been scaring me, I could end up loving it or hating it. I believe God gives me the ability to hope, and the ability to dream because life would be extremely boring if I had nothing to reach for. If all our dreams came true we would be incredibly disappointed and would have nothing left to hope for in life. I believe disappointments are things ...

On Pastor James Macdonald.

On the Firing of Pastor James Macdonald, I was deeply shocked when I heard the news of the dismissal of evangelical Pastor James Macdonald. I was a member of Harvest Bible Chapel in York Region for about six years. I left the church because of an accusation from one of the elders online that I was promoting mindfulness meditation. In my youth, I was a strong believer in transcendental meditation and was following the path of an Indian guru named Paramahansa Yogananda. I was 21 when I became a born again Christian, and understood that is was through the cross of Jesus Christ that my sins were forgiven. I had a crisis of faith, after my girlfriend broke up with me, and didn't understand why God allowed that to happen to me. I have been a Roman Catholic from birth, so my adult conversion was a revelation of the Lordship and saving work of Jesus Christ, applied personally to my life. Looking back now, I see how important it is to be in a State of Grace, and the emergency of having ...