The foundation of the Catholic Church is Jesus Christ. We believe as Catholics that it is through the merit of Jesus Christ that man's and woman's sins are forgiven. Sacramentally we receive new life through the church, but this life isn't without conversion. It is through repentance and faith that a Christian is justified, and he or she is kept in a state of grace through the merit of Jesus' death and resurrection. The church has the right to forgive sins, but it is God through the church who is doing the forgiveness. The Catholic Church holds to the teachings of the bible, and although we don't believe that justification is a one time event, we believe that through conversion a person enters new life in Christ after baptism. Conversion is a heart choice to live in deeper harmony with the church and to commit oneself to a lifetime of repentance. The reason why we believe that a holy life is necessary to reach heaven is because the bible teaches this, (without hol...