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To be at a concert.

My journey has not always been an easy one, but it has been graced by Mercy and truth even when I was in rebellion against God. I came to a saving knowledge of the gospel when I was 21 but quickly backslid back into a life of sin, not sin in it's full power however I was backslidden enough not to realize that I was in the spiritual danger. This is where the story gets good. I remember attending the lollapalooza  in my early 20s with a friend of mine. The first band onstage was Cypress Hill, I was not at Cypress Hill fan at the time and neither was the friend the female friend that I went with to the concert. We made our way closer to the front of the stage, and happened to come across some old friends of mine. As the song by Cypress Hill came out, a lot of people around us starting lighting up.. Not cigarettes mind you, I started to walk away from my friends motioning to my girlfriend to follow me. We were going to make her way to the beer tent even though none of us were going to drink! As I started walking faster through the crowd I turn behind me to see if my friend was still with me. She had disappeared from my site.

As far as I remember at this point I started to panic a little bit, at this point it's kind of foggy, but I made my way out of the concert area hoping my friend would do the same. I didn't leave the concert grounds just yet because I had come with my friend and I didn't want to leave without her! If I remember correctly I waited for quite some time and I even went back into the concert area to try to find her among the millions of people that were there. I happen to run across a friend from high school, I told her that my friend and I split up and I was looking for her. At this point I realized I was alone there, I was hoping my friend from high school would invite me to sit with her and her friends to watch the rest of the concert.. Which she didn't! I walked all the way through the concert grounds looking for my friend but couldn't find her, it was starting to get dark. I had to find safety for myself because I was alone in a pack of millions of people. At this point I'd left the concert grounds hoping that my friend might meet me at the parking lot where I parked my car.

I sat in my car for quite some time, listening to the music from inside my car that was pounding from the concert stage blocks away in the parking lot. I started to get very fearful for my friend, where was she was she looking for me or had she stayed there maybe found someone that she knew. At this point it was getting very late. I started my car and started to head for a phone that I could find to call my friends mom, maybe my friend had checked in with her mom. I don't remember this part very  clearly, but I believe my friend had some information  that she had given to her mom which I found out later that she actually did meet up with some people. At that point I made sure that it was okay with her mom that I hed home. She said yes it's if that's what you have to do then do it. So I drove home from Molsen Park in Barrie very defeated not knowing where my friend exactly was. I don't think it was until the next day that I learned that my friend was safe and that she had made it home okay!

I think that God was there protecting me and also protecting my friend. I've never been to a concert of that size since that time, but there is still a desire in my heart to attend a big concert but instead of it being a lollapalooza I wanted to be a Christian concert quite possibly something that would be much safer to attend. I've always thought it would be neat to actually perform on stage at a concert such as this, without the beer without the banging rock 'n roll music but music that edifies and worships the Lord Jesus Christ. This is Mike.


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