Sit up Jimmy, you don't want others to think you don't belong. Remember way back when you dreamt you could be anything you wanted to be, life seemed free and you might of thought you were. There is an innocence about childhood, and even adolescence to a certain degree and we try to hold on to that feeling of innocence as long as we can. When you reach a certain age you should be getting a big dose of reality, I'm not talking about tough love. I'm talking about limitations. When you reached a certain age you should of realised that life is difficult. I'm talking about serious frustration here. It is usually a crisis, rather large that gets us to realise that we were heading in the wrong direction. The Bible calls this repentance. I had my crisis as a young adult. I had all kinds of dreams about my future and believed I had the ability to carry it off, and I just might have if it were not for God. Yes God stepped into my life, unannounced and took full control when ...