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Showing posts from January, 2014

Unto the Least of these.

We would like to think we are important, and in a huge way we are. There are times in our lives when we forget the reason why we were put here. The answer is love. Love can come in all shapes and sizes, it can come in the form of human love, love for a song or love for a pastime. But the greatest of all human experiences of love is when we give our lives for another human being. Being romantic and such is good in a marriage and so forth, but as human being we can only show love when we have received the fullness of love itself and that means we need to repent. We are created in the image of God and as such we reflect the Glory of God to one another. It is when we see beyond the outer shell which we call a body and see with spiritual eyes as God sees that we can show and recognise the value and importance of another human being. We have all been there, hungry, frozen, broken and ashamed and so has our Father been there with us, in the form of a human being he felt shame, he felt hunger ...

The absent minded Jogger.

There were a lot of things I wanted to accomplish when I was a kid. I wanted to grow up and get  married, I wanted to raise a family, I wanted a good job and might have well of been famous. I don't think I consciously thought about these things all the time, but as I grew up and had a good job, something unexpected happened to me that changed the course of events in my life. Shall I say two things. The first one was I got dumped, I didn't so mind it at first but when I lost my faith in God because of it..I sort of seemed to care a little more. When I found a new faith in God I had thought that my life was back on track until some very weird things started happening inside of me. I found a new desire to live, to really live and to take my crushed dreams off the shelf and place them back in their proper place. But things were about to change in a few years. I'm not going to say what faith I became, but I had faith to the point that I was even willing to live a life of celib...

OJ was a free man.

Scuttle back with me to the cloud nine shuttle bus that lead me to a Christian Hindu Monastery in Escondido California, in San Diego where pictures of my guru hung in appropriate places throughout the ashram. You see, it was a long journey that first night that lead me to a spiritual awakening not to be compared equally with the one I had when I was 21. This was different. My room was nice there were Bibles and books, written by the author Paramahansa Yogananda and I remember filling out an application which was denied because I couldn't afford to stay there because I was a man of debt. But the world had other plans for me. No I am not a new ager, but I was at the time and the lessons I learnt from My time with Self realization fellowship bring me to where I am today. I would like to share some of those lessons with u. ok? Everybody dreams of being happy and for those couple of days that I was there in the ashram, I was happy. Some would say Blissed out. Whether I was truly bliss...