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When We Build Only for this Life.

 Life is meaningless without faith, yet there are many people who see this life as their only hope. Hope comes from having a living faith in Jesus Christ and what the Bible promises us as eternal life, (John 3:16). Some people are deceived and believe that this life is all there is. They work for that which will ultimately perish in the end, and they do not store for themselves treasures in Heaven. They exclude themselves from the kingdom of God, and try to build their own kingdom here on earth. The Bible warn us not to be like these people because there is a Heaven and the Bible warns of eternal hell for those who live this way. They are enemies of the cross and their Creator. (Philippians 3:18, Romans 8:7-21). 

Despite these warnings in the Bible, many are blinded to spiritual realities and will be shocked when they die. My prayer is that God would have pity on people like this. Faith is a gift, and comes to us when we absolutely trust in Jesus Christ for our salvation. We can’t ask God for something He isn’t willing to give us, but thankfully this is not true with faith. God is willing to give us faith,  we just need to believe. It isn’t really hard to believe, but we must be willing to forsake this world and the love of money because Jesus said that you can’t serve two masters, (Matthew 6:24) “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

However this is precisely what many people will do, they go on serving God with their lips, but their hearts love the dollar bill more. We must call Jesus Christ Lord, and we must make him our Lord. God is good. We might not have all the things that other people have in this life, but let me ask you, what’s more important, knowing your soul is saved, or having material things in this life which you can’t take with you where you are going? I personally know the answer for myself! I want to be sure my soul is secure, more than my bank account! God can take care of my needs, in fact the Bible says He will, (Philippians 4:19) so what is keeping you from trusting Christ now? You also have to be willing to forsake your sin, but part of being saved means the Holy Spirit will help you to do this. This is Mike.


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