Does religious freedom impinge on people’s right to life? Do my religious actions during a pandemic put other people’s rights to life in jeopardy? What is the greater right? Religious freedoms or my rights to life and safety? When religious rights impinge on the rights to freedom and safety of other people, constitutionally the rights to freedom and safety win. It can be argued that without religious freedoms the rights to freedom and safety wouldn’t exist, but you would have to prove that without religion the rights to freedom and safety are self supporting. If it couldn’t be proved religious freedom would win. In a purely secular world you can argue for a self supporting right without the bible, but in a world that is still influenced by the bible it would be harder to prove, unless that country or world has drifted so far away from the bible, that it no longer recognizes it’s truths or availability. In that case, a self supporting right could be proved.
Where do our rights come from? If you say they come from the bible then you must have the ability to prove that. If you say they come from any other source, then they basically become rights that are self supporting. We are living in a time where most people who believe that rights come from God are looked at as strange. Even talk about my rights and your rights leaves many people angry, and other people misunderstood. If my rights impinge on the freedom of another person’s rights, which person’s freedom is challenged? The situation becomes serious when someone loses the ability to freely choose their own way. The right to life is one of the greatest rights, but if we fail to acknowledge the source of those rights and suppress other people’s right to choose life themselves, then we misunderstand the basic freedoms of any civil or religious state or rights, and rights and freedoms then become contingent on each and every different circumstance and preferences, rather on Absolute truth, principles and values. The reason why this is dangerous and kills freedom is because we can basically justify or prove that any human right does exist and is contingent based on the source that is requesting that right.
The right to life is contingent on only one particular source, that there is a Creator and that we are gladly made in His image. Any other particular rights and freedoms in society should be derived from the Absolute truth that God rightly exists, and that all human beings derive their source of freedoms and particular judgment and choice from their Creator and His benevolent Will. This is Mike.
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