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Waiting for the Good.


God’s spirit gives us all the time to wait. But while we are waiting, we need to wait for the good. Sin is a darkness and it clouds our minds and our reasoning. Living in the light of God is not a vain escape from reality, but a reconnecting with the source of all goodness which is God. While we wait for God, we can have hope, because the hope of the Christian is a sure hope, a hope for the future. We have this hope because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. 

When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, we begin to live our lives with real hope for the very first time. Christians don’t need to fear the coming wrath of God, but we have the hope of the forgiveness of sins. Everyone wants a clear conscience and when we believe on the Lord, all our sins are forgiven. The meaning of life is found only in Christ. 

Jesus redeemed us and has shown us mercy. Mercy is a beautiful word because we don’t deserve it, but in Christ we have received mercy. We don’t have to pay the ultimate penalty for our sins after we trust Christ. 

The light of the Gospel gives light and hope to all of humanity. Our decisions in life sometimes causes us grief, and this for some can be a grief that can only be lifted by the full forgiveness of our sins. Contrary to what we feel about ourselves sometimes, God’s love is unconditional and fully free. We don’t deserve to be forgiven, but because God is a redeemer He delights in wiping our sins clean when we ask him. 

You can really live with a sense of hope in this world, not because we are righteous, but because God sent his Son Jesus to bring us salvation. We can live with hope because one day God will set us free from our burdens, and we can wait with hope now because Jesus Christ has forgiven us and has promised us through the Bible that one day we will be completely free. This is Mike.


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