Contemporary society has a way of doing things backwards. Things that we prioritized are no longer a priority. We once valued traditional marriage and conservative values, but in the name of freedom we have liberated ourselves. But in the attempt to gain our freedom what have we really lost? Have we lost intimacy in marriage? Have we lost trust in relationships? Is our country more secure or less secure from our enemies? In the attempt for a more fair and just society have we pushed God out, and invited in personal person worship? We all don’t have to think the same way to live together. Diversity includes freedom of thought, and my thought is are we trying to create a utopia without God? Just what is a utopia? I personally don’t think we can be personally liberated until we have made ourselves ready to die. Death for a believer brings true liberation. Yes we have been entrusted with this world, but by whom have we been entrusted with it? The Creator. Unless we acknowledge ...