A faith crisis is when your faith refuses to believe, despite the obvious evidences that the difficulties reveal to you about God. It’s stubborn faith that needs proof, that is faith becomes something that needs evidence. It’s this unnatural desire for proof that creates the crisis and sustains it, so long as proof for the reason why we are suffering cannot be found and all attempts to find the esoteric reason why this is happening have been frustrated. Faith cannot rely on evidence, otherwise it would not be faith. Faith must rely on trust on the object of it’s faith, which brings love, joy and happiness.
Faith becomes natural again when it simply trusts despite the evidence telling it not to trust or believe. It is renewed by the natural inclination to believe despite the necessary evidences that the crisis thought it should reveal to the person at the time of despair and or of loss and crisis. Faith matures through trust and it is strengthened through deeper trust, that doesn’t look for proof, but quietly believes despite moods, feelings and emotions that can demand evidence.
Understanding what caused the crisis of faith doesn’t mean you will automatically go from no faith, to living with faith, but that could obviously happen. However, if you understand the crisis was because you wanted proof of God’s goodness and existence you can start living by faith almost immediately. What you want is to avoid is sitting on that initial faith, which is the temptation for some, faith is trust in the Living God. So you want to practice your faith whenever you get the opportunity.
Faith has been said to reside in the heart, and sometimes you have to act on your faith to avoid living by sight. The more you practice your faith, the stronger your relationship with God gets. Having a prayer life is one way you can activate your faith. When you find ways to learn to speak to God and to let Him speak to you, you will find your faith growing. One of the ways in which God speaks today is the bible! That’s all for now, God bless. This is Mike.
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