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Showing posts from February, 2020

What is Mortal Sin?

What is Mortal Sin? The church is not teaching that there are eternal consequences to sin, otherwise known as mortal sin. When someone becomes a Christian they are forgiven from the consequences of sin, but it doesn't take away the real and present consequences of present sin. This process is call sanctification. The bible teaches in Hebrews that if we continue in sin there no longer remains a sacrifice for sin. Persistence in venial and mortal sin can send anyone to hell, even a saved person. What the devil is trying to get Christians to believe in our century, is that there are no eternal consequences for sin, even after you become saved. Yes Salvation is a free gift, but the bible teaches us not to neglect this gift. Hebrews 2:3 how shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him. The lie is that we can sin all we want, and still go to Heaven when we die, and then they will g...

Eternal Life.

Life doesn't have to end When we Die. No, I am not trying to trick you and maybe you feel a little uncomfortable with that statement. This is what Jesus offers all who die in the grace of God however. I used to think about this a lot throughout my life. I was always taught that Christianity offers something more than just a nice afterlife, it offers something called eternal life. In Christianity we believe in something called the resurrection as we believe our Saviour and Lord Jesus, died for our sins and was raised to Life by the Holy Spirit. We believe that one day that those of us who died in Christ, will come alive again physically and live on a resurrected New Heavens and Earth, where God Himself will dwell with us forever. This is my Christian hope. When I am faced with death, my death or the death of others, I need not despair, because my Lord conquered death and in the same way, we will truly conquer death the same way Christ did. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is de...

Are we in the Last Days?

Are we in the Last Days? 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are but the beginning of the birth pains. Matthew 24:7-8 | ESV From the time of the early church, Christians expected the immanent return of Jesus Christ. We are now living in the 21st century and Christ hasn't returned yet, but the Church still believes in his immanent return. Most of the world will be caught off guard, and that is a shame because Jesus warned us in the gospel of Matthew chapter 24, that there are things that will be happening in the world before the resurrection of the dead. The world is already in a state of unrest, and the church is mostly unprepared for his coming, but you don't have to be. One of the things Jesus promised was that his gospel would go out to the ends of the world, before his return, and that is what is happening despite world wide persecution of Christians and the bible!...