What is Mortal Sin? The church is not teaching that there are eternal consequences to sin, otherwise known as mortal sin. When someone becomes a Christian they are forgiven from the consequences of sin, but it doesn't take away the real and present consequences of present sin. This process is call sanctification. The bible teaches in Hebrews that if we continue in sin there no longer remains a sacrifice for sin. Persistence in venial and mortal sin can send anyone to hell, even a saved person. What the devil is trying to get Christians to believe in our century, is that there are no eternal consequences for sin, even after you become saved. Yes Salvation is a free gift, but the bible teaches us not to neglect this gift. Hebrews 2:3 how shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him. The lie is that we can sin all we want, and still go to Heaven when we die, and then they will g...