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Why are Millennials rejecting religion?

Why are Millennials rejecting religion?

Millennials are extremely social people. They know how to network and make friends and professional contacts almost instantly. Most Millennials have an acute awareness about social issues and they know how to galvanize for a cause without effort. Mostly because their understanding of technology is far superior to all the other generations they are the most not interested in religion. What they are most interested in is relationships. If they have a weakness it is they don't like when relationships fall apart. They base their identity and ideologies on consensus and like mindedness. They have an interest in things like mental health and the arts, and other things that stimulate their minds.

I don't think that many of them believe they have an immortal soul, because realities that they can't conceptualize becomes their greatest frustrations. The reason why religion and God doesn't appeal to most of them is because they are rationalists at heart. They believe that religion takes blind faith, and that would be asking too much from a rationalist. It's not that their reason becomes an obstacle to belief, they are social creatures and almost feel that any allegiance to a Supreme Deity would be going against their own social structure. For faith to appeal to them, it would have to be well structured and reliable, there could be no room for difficulties or trials, because Millennials don't like problems that come from standing for your faith.

They have a hard time trusting the teachings of someone like Jesus because Jesus died on a cross, and paid a severe penalty for our sins. I don't think they believe that because the idea of crushing pain and the idea of redemption in the form of suffering is repulsive to some of them. Despite this Millennials are hard to understand, reaching them for the gospel or any other religion takes time to get to know them personally. I have personally taken the effort to do just this, and despite their own beliefs, they are really nice people. They will go out of their way to help you, when you face your own problems, and they are quick to come up with a solution. I'm pretty sure if you take the time to show them that you are genuinely interested in building a relationship with them, and not just to save their souls, I guarantee you will be surprised that they can be very open minded. This is Mike.


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