Will Christianity be lost Within This Generation? This is a question that I think about everyday while I look at the lukewarm condition of both the evangelical church and the Catholic Church. Will we loose the message of salvation in a culture that no longer sees itself as a Christian nation? There are many young people who see our religion as old fashioned and not relevant anymore, but I don't think the onious or the blame should be directed towards those who reject Christianity. Rather, the blame if any should be directed towards ourselves if the message of Christ's saving death and resurrection is lost in the generation we are currently living in. Jesus in his words to us left us with the mission and stewardship of proclaiming this gospel and it isn't solely up the the structured church to do this. It is up to individual people like you and me, to not only live out our faith, but to share it with others, and if I think the message is being lost it's not because p...