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Showing posts from January, 2019

Serving the self.

Serving the self, Serving the self leads to unhappiness, it creates a desire in me to sin because if everybody is doing it, then it must be ok. Serving the self is unhealthy for my body because it leads to a heightened body awareness and that leads to vanity and an endless craving to feed the carnal nature and the body. Serving the self leads me away from God, and true intimacy with others, and can make me emotionally unavailable to the people that need my attention the most. It prevents me from fulfilling my hopes and dreams because I am never satisfied with the results of my creativity and it stops me from thinking an original thought. It makes me the servant of others, and I truly fail at meeting all of my real needs. It keeps me locked in depression because I crave and crave the intimacy of others but I am not happy until everything goes as I thought it should. It places unrealistic demands upon myself, until I get tired of myself and constantly not getting my way. It affects o...

Beatific Vision.

The Mount Everest of the Christian life is seeing God in Heaven. In the Beatitudes Jesus says the pure in heart will see God. Some theologians say that the closest thing to God that we will see in Heaven is Jesus Christ, but Christian tradition and theology has taught that the saints will actually see God when they die. I am reading a book right now that is sort of a devotional book by the Catholic pope, and he says that it is with our hearts that we currently see God. Could our vision of God the Father in Heaven be a inner vision that God reveals His essence to us in this way? What ever the Beatific Vision is, I believe we will be overwhelmed at the beauty and grace of God that saved our souls and welcomed us into His Presence. When we live in the beatitudes we show that God lives in us. When we are kind and forgiving, when we put others first, when we take abuse from other people and instead of hating them back, when we show them kindness and grace, God is getting his people ready fo...

Is Christianity a Religion for the Rich?

I surprise myself while I ask myself this question, is Christianity a rich man's religion. It might sound like a controversial question and it is not my desire to offend anyone out there who has more money than I do. But I must be honest with my readers, I have very little money and I am reminded of the words of Jesus that you can't serve God and money. When I became a born again Christian, I was a 21 year old middle class man. I had my health and I had a job. I wasn't rich, and I felt that I was an adult. It was in 1999 that I lost my health and my relationship with God changed forever. I was no longer dependent upon myself and God to meet my needs, I was disabled now, and meeting my own needs became very difficult. That is why I am asking myself, what is the real essence of faith and Christianity. I like being a Catholic right now because the Universal church has a big heart for the poor and the downtrodden. When you read the gospels in a Catholic mass, we remember the ...

What is New Life in Christ?

The truth that being part of a church and having all the right doctrine won't get you to Heaven is a Universal truth. I am making it clear that I am not attacking the church, for the church has the deposit of scripture and tradition that shows human beings the doctrines and message of the gospel. What I aim to do here is just confirm the teachings of the scriptures and hopefully the teaching of the church, as we now live in an age of relative truth within the church. Let me explain. Relativism has been part of our world for a very long time, and it is true that people are forgetting basic principles on how to live their lives according to the gospel and message of the bible. People are taking into their own hands their Salvation, instead of living in faith, which is the only way a person can be justified and saved. The reason why this is happening is because people have become lazy (I can't think of a better word) and have fallen into the routine of faith. There has been an ove...

Heaven won't be for the lazy.

The first question I want to ask you is do you plan on going to Heaven when you die? If the answer is yes, then you'll be surprised to know that Heaven won't be a place of idleness. An idle mind is the devil's playground so the saying goes, and you might want to know why you won't get to do everything you dreamed of when you get there? You see, us sinners like to take our time in this world. We like to wake up early, relieve ourselves, make a cup of coffee and attach our hands to our lifegiving support otherwise known as our phones. I hate to tell you this, but there will be no email in Heaven. People these days long for a less stressful life, and a less complicated life and it really takes energy to live in this 3 dimensional Universe. However when we depend on technology, some of us become lazy, and we use our personal devices as a kind of weapon to wage digital war on our enemies. Because we will have no more enemies in Heaven, we will not need to start wars with one...