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Don't Grow weary with Well doing.

In the bible, Galatians 6:9 says: Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. For me, this is the time of the Christmas season where I begin to look at other people and how they have offended me this past year. Clearly a tactic that the devil will try to use, to get me in offense. When I start to blame other people for things that I don't have control over, it leaves me feeling frustrated and angry. It is true that we must set boundaries for ourselves, if someone has hurt us or is continually hurting us emotionally, we need to detach ourselves from that person or people and find a community that is more accepting and healthy. 

This past year, I spent away from a particular church because they crossed my boundaries in 2016. As a human being, there are things that you have, that I really don't let other people access to. One of those things is my mind. When you attend a bible believing church, you have to be careful about what or who has access into your mind. When someone confronted me about my mindfulness meditation practice, I did the right thing by not letting it become a big deal in my own mind. Satan can use our thinking to literally take our lives from us if we let him. Being an elder at a church means that you use compassion and don't Lord it over those you are entrusted with, "Don't lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example." ! Peter 5:3 NLT.  

We have been living in a time where for some reason the church and it's people have been acting like bullies, Lording it over one another. The exhortation not to do this in scripture is being ignored for some reason, and more and more people are joining the church to gain power over others. When we are faced with a church that ignores scripture and starts to cause all kinds of spiritual confusion, we must be warned by God because the bible says "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." (Galatians 6:7) Also if we expect to be happy while we are using others, we will fail miserably. There are warnings in the bible about sin and about certain kinds of sin, but we should be careful how we use these verses because if someone is not ready to hear the truth, it will just send them running. I am not saying that we should hid the truth, or censor ourselves, but we are living in times where people are having a hard time digesting the truth and if they were to receive what we want to say to them, it would be unprofitable. Sad but true. 

If you are a brother or sister in Christ reading this, you might have just cringed at what I said about hiding the truth. The goal isn't to send people to hell, it is to protect the interests of those who still want to go to heaven. There are people out there who need to hear the truth, and it is those people that we should be telling them to repent and warning them about their sin. Even Jesus refused to entrust himself to some people (John 2:24) because he knew they would never be ready to hear the truth. If you are worried that no one will want to hear you, be encouraged that up untill the second coming, there will be people coming to Christ and God will bring them to you, you don't need to worry about offending anyone with the bible. This is Mike. 

At the time of writing this I had a different perspective on church theology especially mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation is a spiritual form of focused concentration which can be used as a spiritual exercise or for secular reasons that is not a part of church theology. As this is true, I would advise fellow christians to stay away from it. 


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