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Showing posts from December, 2017

Don't Grow weary with Well doing.

In the bible, Galatians 6:9 says:  Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. For me, this is the time of the Christmas season where I begin to look at other people and how they have offended me this past year. Clearly a tactic that the devil will try to use, to get me in offense. When I start to blame other people for things that I don't have control over, it leaves me feeling frustrated and angry. It is true that we must set boundaries for ourselves, if someone has hurt us or is continually hurting us emotionally, we need to detach ourselves from that person or people and find a community that is more accepting and healthy.  This past year, I spent away from a particular church because they crossed my boundaries in 2016. As a human being, there are things that you have, that I really don't let other people access to. One of those things is my mind. When you attend a bible believing church, you have to be car...

When you are feeling Blue.

Sometimes in life, we are faced with situations that seem to be out of our control. There are many things in life that are unpleasant, but I have found that there is freedom in facing our problems instead of running away from them. We live in an instant society and when we are faced with distress we want instant relief from our painful emotions. In the parable of the prodigal son in the bible, after the younger son's return home the elder son cannot deal with the reality that his disenfranchised brother is welcomed back into the family. He refuses to participate in the reality, (which is actually the eldest son's reality as much as it is everyone's else's) to take part in a party that the father chose to throw for his son who returned. Much pain in our life is the result of our refusal and resistance to accept reality as it really is. When we are faced with hardships in life that are the result of our own choices, some people try to deny that their reality is actually...

The Catholic Mass, for the Lonely too.

I find myself writing this during the Christmas season of 2017, and just got back from a mass earlier this evening. I read a good book this year and I gleaned some wisdom in regards to the Catholic mass, which I have been practicing. More than just a celebration, it is a uniting of those of us who share the same faith. Without getting too theological, what we celebrate in the mass in the breaking of bread, is a deep communion with each other and with God. God manifested as the Son, is offered for humanity as we partake of his divinity and enter into the mystery of Christ each time we all celebrate the Eucharist. Christ's blood shed for us, which ratified the new covenant without which we are not forgiven, is enter upon new. When we consume the elements, and partake in the liturgy, a great mystery is entered into by faith. Christ's life is shared with us, as he calls sinners and saints to the communion table. More than just symbolic, the divine presence and essence is made alive...