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A Theology of Salvation.

As I search the internet these days, I am finding it harder and harder to find accurate information about the gospel. It has been the exception not the norm, to tune into Christian television or radio and feel at ease at what the preacher is saying. I don't know why this is the case, for the purpose of evangelisation is to spread the good news of the gospel to all people. Each morning I tune into some kind of Christian programing, to be taught the word of God, only to prematurely abort the program out of frustration for the lack of bible teaching. Even shows that are supposed to be bible teaching shows, are not teaching their bibles in a way that communicates the gospel effectively.

What is the Gospel?

The gospel is so easy to understand, but our churches for some reason have complicated it. The political correctness in our churches has lead people to feel that if they share or teach the gospel they will somehow be persecuted for it. I believe the gospel is purposefully being hidden within the walls of these churches, out of fear, probably because these people are not really Christians because if they were they wouldn't make it seem like the gospel is a hard thing to communicate. And they wouldn't intimidate others who freely want to share it. The gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ dying on the cross for the payment and penalty for the sins of the whole world. Now was that hard to explain? I did it in one sentence.

These false teachers like to add things to the gospel or complicate it through their theology. Theology is not the gospel it is the study of the nature of God and religious belief. Most of our churches are theology factories, pouring out their theology on Sundays, and during the week in bible studies and small groups. Very rarely is the gospel proclaimed in a theology study, or in a Sunday service for that matter. Some Bible teachers will argue that without a proper experience with theology, you cannot fully explain the gospel to someone. This is true to a certain degree. If you want to communicate bible truth to someone you need to know your theology.

But unfortunately, this is where things are going wrong. Indoctrination is the first step in creating a biblical worldview, not in proclaiming the gospel so people can be saved. Pastor, we really don't need lesson after lesson on the divinity of Jesus Christ, when we are already saved. Yes, we are to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, but what you all are doing is removing the gospel from our churches and just filling our minds with knowledge and knowledge puffs up. Now about food sacrificed to idols: We know that "We all possess knowledge." But knowledge puffs up while love builds up (1 Corinthians 8:1 NIV)

What we need in our church is training in the scriptures. This seems like a new idea, and some might say this is already being done, but it isn't. Being in a facilitated small group just builds relationships and Pastor, you have already stated this is the purpose for your small groups/bible studies. Pastor Rick Warren in a sermon I watched said these small groups are your support system for when hardships in life come. These pastors are building community around doctrine, in order to build Christian support groups. They definitely are not training us in the scriptures, shame on you for hiding the gospel, the purpose of your mission and the mission of all Christians. True Christians live in community called the church, and our mission is to spread the gospel.

What is Doctrine?

Doctrine is a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political party, or other group. Ok, I admit the church teaches their doctrine. It is the meat of an organisation, if it were a sandwich. The gospel defined is the teaching or revelation of Christ. So in essence the whole bible is the gospel. But by simply believing everything the bible teaches doesn't guarantee you will go to Heaven when you die. The true gospel is found in the teaching of Christ and if we don't know how to communicate the reason why Christ came to this earth, then you should join a chess club.

The reason why the gospel has become lost to millions of Christians throughout the world is because they have lost their focus. They have turned inwards on themselves, and they have become metaphorically blind. How this happened only heaven knows? As a church we are to keep our focus on the practical aspects of the gospel, and leave the theorising for the cynics and ivory tower theologians. This is Mike.



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