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Showing posts from April, 2016

The Virtue in Work.

Some may think that there is no virtue in doing work of any kind. This is not true. Even if one was incapacitated and unable to any physical labour of any kind, the mental labour of controlling ones thoughts would be that individual's work! We labour our whole lives to put food on our table, and cloth ourselves but to be at rest in ones mind at work is an arduous step. We struggle with stress and meeting deadlines, striving as we do to please our boss, but there is a work we can do while we work and that is remaining calm inwardly while we do our work. Half of the battle is showing up on time, but if we are not aware of an inward life and glimpses of peace of mind outside work, we will succumb to the workaholic mentality that I must be busy all the time, even mentally. Training the mind doesn't have to be relegated to Indian monks, or Buddhist monastics. We can take a little time everyday to cultivated a stress free mind. Think of the times when you were younger, if you are o...

Mental Illness and the Church.

I have been suffering from a severe mental illness since 1999. I won't go into too many details here as to how I got sick, but some information might be necessary. I was 25 years old when I voluntarily admitted myself into the mental health unit at my local hospital, and my brief stay there and in another hospital changed my life. I remember when the crisis hit, I felt like I was going to die. I was blessed to get the chief of psychiatry at Markham Stouffville Hospital at the time Dr. David Koczerginski, a young man at the time and very helpful. While I was in the crisis room, (that's what I like to call it) Dr. Koczerginski assessed me and determined that I was in actual crisis and got a room ready for me right away. I was subsequently assessed by a male psychiatric nurse, whom I remember very well and I remember telling him I couldn't gain control of my thoughts they just seemed to be flying every where! He got me settled for the night, took me and my parents around the u...