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The social paradigm surreptitious failure.

 In the age of the Internet we are multifacetedly  trying to connect ourselves at all levels of society and in all aspects of our lives.  Being that we live in a three dimensional reality we do not have access to other dimensions  and other worlds despite what the greatest science fiction authors and thinkers are telling us.  We have created the a six dimensional reality with things like social media and the construct of connectivity.  Wherever there is a society there must be policing in order to keep the divergent out and the invergent in.  But even in a six dimensional reality that is a digital reality the world that we live in is 3 dimensional.  No construct of a digital universe can ever create a materialistic  Society in which death is finally overcome.  The didgicrats  would have us believe that we can live on this planet forever in the form of digital content.  But what the didgicrats  failed to acknowledge was that we can never digitize our bodies and become translucent and transformative to the point  where we can change our three dimensional bodies into a six dimensional reality.  Sure there are forms of adding technology to our bodies that could enhance our own experience of life but when our physical form eventually dies the technology that is installed in our bodies will eventually burn out as well.

 To socially constructed society where technology is the ideal consumer of mankind's ideas we would have to be robots ourselves in order to live in this society.  Because the species of mankind has not evolved into a six dimensional mechanical concept,  The human body remains susceptible and even determined to die in it's point in time.  The Bible says that the last enemy to be defeated is death,  but I don't think the Bible says anything about a technological revolution which will socially deconstruct our society and create a new society in which technology becomes the religion.  Some will say that this is already happened that the deconstruction of the modern age has let us down to a postmodern technocratic society  where the leaders of our society are the computers the themselves.  With the advent of artificial intelligence what the technocrats would like to see is a digital president someone with the artificial intelligence to run the country and to create a new species of digital human beings in which the old model of the human  being would solely be run off of the digital world.

 Try going a year without eating but living off gigabytes and megabytes and you'll find out that your physical body will burn out and even die sooner than you expected leaving a corpse that tried to live in a world that was  trying to sustain itself by hard work and digital computers.  This blog may sound like the newest science-fiction movie but the point in writing it is not to slam computers and technology but to help us realize that no form of technocratic pollution will be capable to completely revolutionize our society to the point where we no longer need the sustenance of food.

 No form of human love will ever be strong enough to create a society where the delegates and the people live solely off of digital love and digital computing.  This is Mike.


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