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My Health.

 I am writing this blog post more for myself than for anyone else it's not that you can't read it but I just want to document what is been happening over the past few weeks in regards to my health.  For some of you who may not know I see a psychiatrist in regards to mental health issues that happened  over 16 years ago.  I have been battling depression since 1999 and other psychiatric illnesses for which I have to take medication for every morning and every night.  This past summer I was asked to submit an article about mental health recovery to the Canadian mental health Association, who is working in conjunction with with a publisher for a book coming out in the spring about mental health and recovery.  I received a phone call earlier this  past year from someone named Neil Howard who informed me that the article that I submitted this past summer was being excepted into a book that is going to be published in the spring.  Lord willing I'm very excited to see this book come out the most importantly the article that I wrote for this book.

 Because I still take medications as I mentioned above my psychiatrist requires me to do bloodwork every year to see that there aren't any negative side effects to the medication that I'm taking.  I can't blame the results for the first blood test that I did less than two weeks ago on the medication because I really don't know for sure why my glucose fasting level was at 6.6.  When I had asked my psychiatrist if you had seen the results of my blood test he told me that he didn't and that I shouldn't really worry about the 6.6 and that we would discuss my results on my next visit which would've been February 5, 2016.  He also told me that despite my results he wouldn't be requiring me to do anything for the next 3 to 4 months.  Earlier last week I received a phone call  from my psychiatrist who left the message on my cell phone saying that he wanted to change my February 5 date to February 3 and he wanted me to get back to him to see if that was OK which I did.

 While all of this was happening with my psychiatrist and by the way I still haven't seen him I happened to phone my family Doctor Who also have the results of my blood test which I already viewed online with the new service that's being provided through life labs called "my results".  Because I didn't have anyone to read my test results and I was a little worried because I did notice that my glucose fasting was at 6.6 I allowed someone else to see them who knew how to read these kinds of results.  He informed me that it was workable and that there was nothing else to worry about but I still made an appointment with my doctor that being my family physician so I could hear it directly from him why he was requiring me to do another blood test after the one that I just did.  When I asked him why he wanted me to do another blood test he said it was due diligence but he also said  after I asked him the question is this a diabetes test he said yes.

Because I highly trust my family doctor and I have been seeing him ever since I was a kid this morning when I woke up I decided to walk over to the hospital and do the two hour GTT test that was being asked of me to do.  Again I will have the results more than likely before or at the same time as my family doctor online my last blood test that I did the results were available for me to see online that very night.  Even though I don't know how to read a blood test because I'm not a doctor I will
still be able to see the results tonight so I am praying that my anxiety level is not that high and that I
would calmly wait to hear from my doctor to see what he has to say about the results.  The only other medical problems that I've had is in regards to my depression and mental health issues and I even debated waiting longer to do this current blood test for diabetes because I figured that if the results were negative I might slip into another depression.

 I have been learning to take things as they come in not to dwell or ruminate on thoughts that cause me depression.  Also I believe in God and I believe that God helped me wake up this morning to go and do the blood test and I also believe that God is with me whether the results are negative or positive.  It's the waiting that sucks and it's also the entering into unfamiliar territory for which I feel very unprepared for if something was to come back negative that leaves me feeling like there may not be any hope.  I'm 42 years old now and I really do consider myself to be an adult so I'm trying to go about reconciling my hopeless feelings which may be coming from my depression or the feelings that are coming directly from having to deal with another illness.  Regardless of what happens I have a strong faith that faith was given to me by God and I believed in God ever since I was a little kid.  It's times like these when I'm thankful for my faith and trust in God and whatever happens I believe he will see me through it and ultimately give me victory and faith to rise above feelings of hopelessness and even despair.

 This is Mike


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