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What if 911 Happened all over again?

No I am not a terrorist, I am a peace loving christian but it seems we have reached a point in time when we have forgotten what life was like prior to the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001. In no way do I believe that this should happen again, and it feels weird writing that, but I believe this blog entry is going to sound a little weird at certain points. Lets get off the ground there are good things and there are bad things about computers, little things like e-mail that make our lives easier and then there are more scary things like virtual sex that you may not know about, but every time you visit one of those adult web pages, you are putting your computer in jeopardy as well as your mental health. I think we all need to do a spring cleaning of all the filth that we have been exposed to on the Internet and keep a clean mind and a clean heart and stay away from web sites that will damage us, and our pocket books and our freedom.

I was watching TV late the other night and happened to catch one of those documentary shows, and this one was talking about the suicide of Amanda Todd like it was some kind of murder. The murderer was the man who committed all those illegal Internet crimes by blackmailing the late Amanda that brought her to the point of taking her life. They interviewed the parents and of course they didn't blame themselves for not reaching out to Amanda, or trying to understand why she spent so much time in seclusion on the Internet, why she didn't get out more to clear her head from the trash she was doing on line. There was or is a web site, that teenagers go on to have virtual sex and then capture the pictures to sell to pornographic web sites for money. These web sites are like porno for teens with teens. One of them is blogtv. This was the website that Amanda Todd was using for virtual sex for a very long time. It's kind of like the problem that some adults have with pornography. Once you visit one of these pornographic web sites you get hooked.

It's kind of like being addicted to drugs or sex. Chemicals in your body changes when you view the pornographic image, and it is kind of like being on a high that you have to have more of that virtual sex. I call it sex because when most people view other naked human beings they get aroused, some to the point of masturbation. When you are a teen, your mind works in a very different way, the arousal part is the same but the dependence on the sexual image becomes more intense and acting out sexually in real life or virtually in real life has more real consequences.

With the web has come mass communication and one way human beings communicate with one another is sexually. We are sexual being and desire intimacy with one another. That is the way that God created us. Sex with our own kind in the bonds of marriage is what the bibles calls proper morality. But Satan and our evil hearts like to twist sex and make it evil, by making it a commodity. Something you can get on demand for free, and something that has no relationship behind it. What these teens are doing, and what Amanda Todd was doing was selling themselves through publicly revealing parts of themselves that it is illegal to do on the Internet. Basically child porn. Anyone under the age of 18 who has sex or shows dirty pictures of themselves in real life or on the Internet is breaking the law and we have webs sites like blogtv who are promoting the wholesale sex trade of our teenagers and our youth. A danger that wouldn't even exist in our darkest fantasies when I was a sexually active youth.

Oh ya before I became saved, I visited bars under age, I visited strip joints underage. I did allot of things that could get me into trouble, but the difference is now that when a teen sins sexually it is there for the whole world to see. I did stuff behind closed doors, but the youth these days because of the Internet are opening up their doors and basically flashing the world. Amanda Todd didn't have to die. She was overwhelmed with the consequences of her actions and felt she had no way to end her pain, other than taking her life. If Amanda committed the same sin back in the '80's there would be no consequences, because we all didn't have the Internet back then. Lets say she was at a party, the only people who would get her into trouble might be someone like a family member who heard she flashed and told her parents. She would be grounded for a week and would still be alive. I think I've made my point.


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