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Showing posts from July, 2013

The Decline of Western morality.

This country is not a-moral. Most would like to think that now anything goes and that is just what is happening in most homes in North America. The problem isn't semantics or unmysterious, it just one little sin, after one little sin and the deconstruction of God is the public consciousness. It first starts out as a thought. If God doesn't exist, them I am free to live this life in any way I choose and please and just because you say there is a God that doesn't prevent me from committing the most disgusting things in his name to prove to you that Your God isn't real and you need not be accountable to no one but yourself. With the deconstruction of communities comes every and all kinds of base and disgusting sins that the human mind is capable of committing. Because to them there is no God there are free to abuse, rape and even kill the innocent in society or should I say those who still believe in a God and that we will be accountable to Him one day. As far as the ath

Incapacitated to love.

Right, here you are living in the 21st century an your capacity to see reality has blinded you to the fact that nothing is real to you anymore. I have good news for you, you are alive. Despite what the radio and news are telling you there still is a God and there will be a judgement...have you forgotten? Let me refresh your memory about a few things, read this verse from Revelation, Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. 14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is

The Misconception of Hell.

Someone once asked me years ago if I thought God would send people to hell, and my answer was that I didn't believe a loving God would be so cruel to send anyone to a place of torment forever and forever. I am glad to say that my position on hell has changed since then. I could give you a million reasons why I have changed my view, but reasons in and of themselves is not sufficient evidence to convince people that there is a hell and the misconceptions that are floating around out there and in and of themselves damning heresies, which were created to give people a light view on sin and to ease there minds about a real place called hell that will be the destiny of all those who are living in their sins.  I remember a conversation I had with a very devout catholic friend of mine years ago and this is what really started to transform my view of hell as an evangelical. Although catholics believe in purgatory, this catholic had a quite strange doctrine about hell that lined up with

Caught in a corner.

Writing is a little bit like riding your bike, once you learn you never forget. It is like any skill, if neglected you may be a little bit rusty so forgive me if this sees a little bit amateur. Like everyone else I struggle with getting along with people, mostly people who hate me. I always thought I was a little bit immature but when faced with difficulties, I have been looking at how other people face adversity and I can say with confidence that my faith is weak. Forget abut the person who doesn't believe in God, that might be you, but I have concluded that it is a vain thing to try to convince someone that he exists, when they don't think you exist.  I have found a principle working here. We exist in a world but some will say "prove it." We exist in a body and some will mistreat it. We live in a house but some will say you don't own anything. I had a conversation with a Rogers technician the other day and he kept referring to my modem as "his box"