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Showing posts from May, 2013

The Dissapearing Ghost.

In the light of all that is miserable and good, I would like to talk about the attitude of self congratulation. Despite the fact that I am aware of myself and aware of you, I would like to call you my friend if that is possible. I am not a writer, nor am I a great human being, I am Mike and if that sends shivers up your spine I promise I'll keep far from you. This is not a manifesto, but a supplication to shut out the voices that I hear in my mind on a constant basis that goes something like this;  "Your Father never wanted you and despite the reaction he gave you when you scored your first goal, it was comical because what he really wanted you to be was a football player, and when you became one, it was your mother who encouraged you not your father." (It's good that I have a psychiatrist, because to analyse what I just said would take more than a witch doctor.)  Really, I think we all have father issues, it depends on who is your father. And if you are a Christian...

In the Light of Grief.

We normally think of someones passing as a dark and mysterious thing and in some cases it is. May I say that death doesn't have to be the end of your life. It was the end of mine. When someone dies there is a normal grief process that we all go through. We normally grieve more for someone who has loved us very much, or we have perceived it that way. Despite the truth that for a Christian, death is the beginning of a brand new life in Christ and we should not grieve as those who have no hope. It is sad when an unbeliever dies because we have no assurance that that person is in the presence of God, surely they have seen God but not as Saviour and Lord but as their judge. Christ didn't come into the world to condemn the world he came to save sinners who were willing to repent and the offer still stands as I am writing these words. The problem is that we are not willing to come to God as sinners, we want to keep our own self righteousness and offer it to God, which he will never a...

Steeling Your Heart.

This is not a love song it is more of a Requiem. When we think of death we like to think that it will never happen to us, so we hide our faces and and bury our thoughts in the latest technology and what would make our lives more easier. But I want to challenge you to think of something that truly makes you happy. Do you know what happiness is? Have you ever experienced joy? Don't turn me off, bear with me. At the heart of our unrequited love lies an inner child, that if expressed might take us into a new level of being human. I am not asking you to be a kid, and as repulsive as that seems to your logical mind, I am asking you to be child like. I think I have lost you. At the heart of every person lies the desire to be loved purely. What you are longing for is not another beer, but to feel the throb and pulse of a person who has become fully alive. You ask what you will have to give up...nothing. Does that sound familiar? Everything comes with a price, but I am asking you to ...

Ode to the Grumpy Old man.

The grumpy old man I'm referring to in this blog just happens to be my father. He hasn't passed away or anything but is sitting right beside me in his old rocking chair otherwise called the lazy boy. As each and every Saturday passes by he looks to the great invention of the 20th century for wisdom council and companionship, as I sit here on the computer writing an ode to my father. Our relationship started when he married my mom and in some strange way consummated their relationship..not for the first time because I believe I was born a few years after they got married. My dad is a good man, he doesn't need religion he is too strong for that. His dad forced him to join the seminary when he was a kid and I believe my dad resented his dad, but as the story goes I wouldn't of been born if my dad would have become a priest because that's what his father wanted him to be. It's kind of funny that my dad went to the seminary as a kid, and always challenges me in my ...

In the face of Human.

All messed up and nowhere to go. If you are tempted you may want to head down to the local mall, there is a voice in your head that is saying if everyone is doing it, it must be right. But the question to ask is what are they doing? You jump up and down on the chairs like a spoiled rotten litle boy and you scream for our ice cream, and your mom comes running in the room with a big bowl of cherries. What are you doing. All your life you have asked the question, does the facet really run when there are no dishes in the dryer? You crave the heart of a little happiness because you feel if you just reach that point in the road there is no coming back. So... You pack up their things and you say goodbye to them because today is a new day and you have a big agenda on your horizon tomorrow and that is to get a good night sleep, but you awaken to a drunk man siting on the foot of your bed with nowhere to go, so you send him to the local church to sober up. He sneaks in and sits where the preac...