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Showing posts from April, 2013

So you don't believe in the New World Order?

If this wasn't a reality it would make a really good song title. What is the New World order you ask? Well I'm glad you logged into my blog today. After listening to sound bites and going downstairs for lunch and a smoke, I will have you know that I am not a criminal, I am quite sound in my mind and cheap cigarettes are a hazard not a blessing. Besides that point, I am quite clear when I say that the new world order poses no immediate threat to my health or yours. What I would like to talk about is the need for you to live in a world where all of your freedoms, become a thing of the past..hence "new world order." This of course was brought to light by George Bush senior and now is the agenda of all freedom loving countries, not their people. What I am talking about is global governance. As a former new ager and Environmentalist, it was our "politically correct" dream to unite the world under some form of world government to save the planet and spiritually ...

Hey, the news says you're Rich.

Would you believe the nightly news if the host came on your TV and said, "Everyone in the world has just become a millionaire!" Would you believe him or her? Or would you be a little sceptical. It seems that most people in the world these days has money, but how are you spending your money? At the mall? At the gas station, on line, offline? Do you keep a record each week of how much you are spending and where? We are a consumer society and if you give your money a church for example, you might be taking the first step to financial freedom. Have you seen that show where people horde everything they own paying no attention to spiritual things? Let me tell you, God owns everything and when we give back to him a tithe of what we have we are saying in effect that we trust him. Everything that we have, our life and our breath all comes from a loving God who wants to bless us and give us life. When we give our money back to God, we are saying "Lord even if things get...

Dirty dishes and pots and pans.

I came from a family that appreciated music. Every night when it is on my parents still watch American Idol and as they know the artists by name there is still a little confusion on my part as to why they are still so interested in that show. When I used to study music theatre, there were these things called music critics, dance critics and acting critics. There were a table of judges just in front of the stage you were performing on and after you did your performance, they would critic you as you stood on stage just as they do on American Idol. For those of you who studied at Theatre Sheridan, you can well remember the feeling of being judged and pulled apart by those who were in authority over you, and even though I never had a really bad critic I could see the anguish in the eyes of some of my peers after a performance. I never got a standing ovation, but there were several kids who did and you could tell, just like American Idol when a performer hit one out of the park. I remembe...

Disproving Hell.

First let me tell you that I believe there is forgiveness of sin through Jesus the Christ and the purpose of this article s not to disprove death or hell, but your concept of it. The first images that someone imagines is of a place in the centre of the earth with caverns and fire, and this recent news story has totally disproved many peoples concept of hell.  As a believer (not in this story) hell is an actual place where people go after they die. When the soul leaves the body and that soul has not been born again on earth, through the bible, that soul enters a real place beyond our dimension to suffer for their sins. Let me explain why they suffer. God is a loving God and offers on this earth the forgiveness of sins. The reason why he does this is because of his mercy. We do not create our own hel...