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Showing posts from August, 2012

We welcome you to earth.

Paradigm shift in the collective consciousness, can you feel it? We live in a relatively welcoming world. There are babies being born right now, and there are people entering into eternity. Switch to the heavenly realm, there is a war going on right now for your soul. If you could see into the angelic sphere where Good and evil are fighting for the souls of men, you would fall prostrate in fear and hopefully call upon the God who came to save you. Christ is the person who holds the universe in check, the Father ordains all events in this world and Satan opposes the work of God and the angels of God, through means that I cannot fathom. This world belongs to Christ and he will return one day in triumphal procession, which all true saints of God will be a part of. Shift to the word of God. We win in the end. Satan and his angels will be cast into the lake of fire with all the unbelieving sinners who are living or who will ever live. I do not say this to condemn you, Christ came to s...

When he tells you he loves you.

Writing from a male perspective this has no reference to homosexual love, but a love between a man and a woman that transcends all normal perspectives of convention and prudence. Agape love has been called the greatest love there is. It is the love between husband and wife and the Creator and mankind. If we are called to love in this way but never really know in our hearts what this love means to our hearts, we can be easily deceived (the way the deceiver lies to us) into thinking that we must never sacrifice our hearts for something greater than ourselves. God does not call us to love in the way we feel love, He calls us to die. Think of a time when someone was genuinely concerned for your welfare. It may be a stranger or probably someone very close to you. You probably should of felt loved, but the love that a man has for his wife should not come with the demand that you are here to serve me. I have felt this kind of love throughout my life, where the person receiving my adoration ...

When the Game Plays you.

Alright, alright. So you say I'm a self proclaimed pot smoking barbaric ritual death defying pagan super hero, with no regard to the failure or safety of my fellow athletes? You are right in saying that I hit a wall, when all my energy is expended on the love and humility of my fellow soldiers. I love the world, not the system but the people and if you tell me to stop loving them I won't die in my sins but I'll let you crucify me. Psychology is the stuff that believer love to hate, and caffeine makes me happy to think that you are in pain and I am not. I take pills to make me happy and my blood is relatively low and I thank God for the double espresso long, with two packets of splenda that I had this afternoon. If you die before I get to tell you I love you, make my soul happy by telling me that you never loved me but were fascinated with my beauty, I love it when you sing. Take a long drink of red apple cider before you write me back, because I'll be with you in ...