While it might be unwise to say the soul ages, it might be wiser to say the soul matures with age. The longer we live, the more things we experience. The soul retains all of our experiences in life, and through memory can replay those experiences. When we experience something happy, the soul remembers it, so in a way we can say the soul is shaped by the good and not so good experiences in life. The human soul has the capacity to experience and understand God, and this is what makes us different from other living beings like plants, and animals. When the soul learns new things, it creates new memories and new experiences, so this would be the closest thing to it aging. Although it is proper to say that when we are in a physical body, the person is a whole being only as a body and a soul, so in this sense, the whole person ages. A human being isn’t just a soul or a body, they are both. So what happens at death is an unnatural experience because the soul is separated from the...