How we conduct ourselves and the way we spend our money can have a direct impact on our happiness and the potential on how we spend our money. There are principles taught in the Bible and by Jesus, that can give us council and direction on our financial wealth or lack of it. One thing we must consider is how we treat other people. This has a direct impact on our money. In Luke 6:31 Jesus says, “ Do to others as you would have them do to you.” How we treat other people directly affects the way we manage money. If we are generous with our time, talents and abilities, God sees that, and knows that we are acting in a way that He can bless. In proverbs 11:25 the bible says; “Generous persons will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” Although practicing biblical principles in regards to wealth doesn’t guarantee that you will become rich, but it does guarantee that God will bless you! The bible teaches that when we are generous with our wealth whe...