Faith teaches us that man and woman were and are born into sin. Through this doctrine of Original sin, we see the effects if we look closely at our own lives and the misery that we feel at times or all the time. The bible teaches that because of our sins, we are under the just judgement of a Holy God and unless we do something about our sins, we will die in them. The Church teaches that Jesus the Son of God came to this earth over 2000 years ago to deliver man from their sins, and the bible teaches that Jesus is coming back to this earth at the end of time to set up his Kingdom. The great truth that we don't have to suffer eternally for our sins comes as good news to some people who decide to put their eternity into God's hands, and realize that Jesus didn't come to condemn anyone but to save anyone who trusts in him for eternity. You don't have to be perfect to go to heaven, but you have to have a desire to go there and you must have faith. What is faith? The bible t...