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Showing posts from July, 2018

Things are not as always as they seem.

Part of my recovery as someone who suffers from depression right now is recognizing the mistakes in my thinking process, that can lead me to feeling that things are against me. There are times of clarity when I realize that life is not that bad, and it is my personal training in cognitive behavioural therapy that brings the clarity. As I have learned there are unhelpful thinking habits, that all of us unconsciously practise at times that gives us a distorted view of reality. There are times that we need to check our thinking and I have provided a link to a list of ways we view the world that can lead to great suffering, . I have been a client of the Canadian Mental Health Association for quite some time now, and I have found that catching "myself" thinking wrongly can lead to my own personal suffering and the suffering of others. I am a Christian, but there is something helpful about being mindfu...

Why Does God allow suffering?

Suffering was never God's intention for the human race. God allowed suffering to enter this world because men and women choose to sin. Some religions teach karma, and some teach cause and effect, but the principle is the same. When the human consciousness develops and insensitivity to God who we all were made in His image, we actually forget that God is living in this world and suffers with those who are the most vulnerable. An insensitivity to the belief of God, or wrong thinking about God can lead even those in religion to cause great suffering to mankind their brothers and sisters. Preaching the bible is good, but even those who can preach love fail to act in loving ways which reflect the God they are choosing to worship. The purpose of religion is to save souls, but it is also to change the person. God didn't give us free will and faith so we could claim our souls were saved and live with no motivation be be better people. The Christian gospel is a gospel that is to be ac...

The Importance of the Law in Christian Salvation.

The following text is taken from Galatians 3:23-29 NIV. The faith being referred to here is  the faith in God and in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour.  Before the coming of this faith, j  we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed.  24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith.  25 Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. 26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith,  27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.  28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. God's salvation plan is revealed to us in the Book of Romans chapter ten, verses 9-13.  If you declare with your mo...

The Importance of not Wasting Your Life.

There is a lot of talk about religion these day, and parts of the faith or being faithful has gotten a bad wrap. But what I really want to stress is that it is incredibly important to not waste our lives. In Ephesians 5:16 it say we should be " redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Life is incredibly short, and a life that is well lived will count for all eternity. The problem is that most of us don't know how to live our lives with meaning? There are countless ways you can spend your time here on earth, and there are countless ways people can confuse you as to how you should be doing it. Faith is a start, if you live your life with faith it can help you through the difficult moments of life, and God can even save your soul. But faith must be pure, in order to get to heaven you must let go of anything that is keeping you from loving God with your whole heart. This is where people forget about being people of faith because they are so attached to people, places, ...

In Regards to the Recent Gun Violence in Toronto.

Culture shift, is the two words that come to my mind when I am not feeling safe in my own country and city. I am 44 now, but I grew up traveling to Toronto by bus and by car for things like work and religious worship. I have never seen such instability in this precious city, which growing up was relatively safe. Of course as a child traveling to Toronto there were places that I wouldn't travel, not because I believed my life was in danger, but just because there are bad people out there. The Toronto Police were the best, with a great reputation, there was not a hatred of the authorities in fact the general population respected our cops. I pray for the Toronto Police now, as they deal with a segment of the city's population that is clearly out of control. Gangs existed when I was a kid, but for the most part they remained hidden from the general population, and Torontonians would look in horror at gun violence in other countries and be very thankful that Toronto the Good was pro...