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Showing posts from November, 2016

Conceptual Mindfullness.

I am nothing but an authority on what I really want in life. Each person is an individual with a mind of his or her own, but I think we all desire to know each other and our own minds as best as we can. Life is a journey, and what we think really matters. What we think about life, about God, about religion has real world concepts and conclusions in this life and in other lives. I used to believe in reincarnation, I couldn't understand the concept fully but I believed that the purpose of my life was to free myself rom the illusions of karma through self-realization. The idea of karma is also a Christian concept. Christians believe what we reap we sow, although reincarnation is missing from Christian doctrine, we believe that if we sow to our flesh we will reap corruption and possibly damnation. But sowing to the spirit is explained in my understanding of it, is reaping virtue or holiness. In evangelicalism the idea of justification is through faith alone. You put your faith in Jes...

Hearts Linked by Courage Author.

I recently had the privilege of celebrating the book release of the second "Hearts Linked by Courage" CMHA York and South Simcoe, the second book in a series. It was published by IC Publishing here in York Region and as far as I know is being distributed by the publishing company and here in Canada.  My story is the first in the book titled "Created for Joy." In my story, I discuss my journey from crisis to recovery to where I am now. Most of the stories in the book are inspiring and will evoke heart rendering emotions, as you read them and understand the tragedy of mental illness and the miracle of recovery. As I understand it recovery is something that the client must maintain because as everyone knows, there is no cure. The journey to get my story published was graced by God from the beginning to the end. I was inspired to write my story, after being asked by a peer support worker for the CMHA. When I received the news that my story would be includ...

Small Group Socialization in the Church.

It is the insidious term that no one these days likes to talk about, but a term none the less that has been a part of my vocabulary since childhood. No one likes to openly admit that they are a communist, let alone a socialist, but that doesn't mean that there are real life consequences to these terms. We are a collective species and we like to get alone with each other. Social equality is a concept that every one gets their fair share in the market place and in society. No one likes to be left out, especially the disenfranchised and the poor in our society. When we see social injustice we want to make things right in our society, we want to feed the poor, cloth the homeless, give them a home and a place in our society. No one likes social injustice. Part of it is because, we don't like to feel hungry, we don't like to be poor. We don't like to be homeless, we take the words of compassion very seriously from world and religious leaders, and strive to make this society a...

Why Eastern forms of Meditation are incompatable with Evangelicalism.

Some might claim that Jesus was a mystic, that he practiced meditation. But to my knowledge there is nowhere in the bible that claims Jesus meditated. In my view meditation is an eastern practice, and in that light wasn't Jesus from Israel? To understand this conundrum, you have to acknowledge that there are different world views at play here. First you have the world view of the orthodox bible believing church, which basically says that if you can not prove something from the bible then you should not be doing it. Even though the Bible does mention meditation, it is in a different context that the meditation you and I might practice. The reason why no one in the evangelical church will approve of your meditation practice, is because of their world view. You cannot hold a eastern world view, and a western Christian worldview and get away with it in the modern church. The purpose of the church is to evangelise the entire world, and they will see you as lost if you hold to a foreig...

Why Eastern forms of Meditation are incompatable with Evangelicalism.

Some might claim that Jesus was a mystic, that he practiced meditation. But to my knowledge there is nowhere in the bible that claims Jesus meditated. In my view meditation is an eastern practice, and in that light wasn't Jesus from Israel? To understand this conundrum, you have to acknowledge that there are different world views at play here. First you have the world view of the orthodox bible believing church, which basically says that if you can not prove something from the bible then you should not be doing it. Even though the Bible does mention meditation, it is in a different context that the meditation you and I might practice. The reason why no one in the evangelical church will approve of your meditation practice, is because of their world view. You cannot hold a eastern world view, and a western Christian worldview and get away with it in the modern church. The purpose of the church is to evangelise the entire world, and they will see you as lost if you hold to a foreig...