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Showing posts from January, 2016

Life is short.

 If you were to ask me to tell you today's date I would say it is irelevant.  It seems like it was yesterday when I was walking the halls in college and pondering what my future would look like in five years from then.  I studied music theater performance in college,  and left early to return to a life that was more normal than a life in the performing arts.  At this stage in my life I look back over 20 years ago and think in ways that reveal to me how dream-like my life was at 20.  In fact at that point in my life I was living my dream I was working towards something that would fulfill my deepest longings as a human being.  I like to tell myself that money or material success doesn't define happiness.  I learned throughout the years to cope with the let downs in life in a way that brought my life a little bit of happiness,  despite what it seems like forfeiting my acting ambitions.  I was a different person then and I am a different per...