I happened to come across a quote on Facebook yesterday, The quote is provided in the picture below and the reads "When these small groups are created within the community of God's people, these people believe they are being good Christians and also are acting in good faith maybe, but they are small groups who have privatized salvation." Pope Francis January 29, 2015. This morning I woke up early and went to blog talk radio and logged into my account and was going to give an audio commentary on what I believe the pope meant by those statements. I was interrupted by an unforeseen event so now I'm going to use my blog as a way of communicating what my views are on the biblical small group and how I feel about what the pope said about this. For those of you wanting to hear further commentary on blog talk radio my show is called the alternative viewX and if time permits me in the future I will do just that. But for now I will leave a link to this blog, underneath the com...