There is a lot to say about my friend Anne. I would like you to get to know her. Anne and I became friends when she started working for my dad's car and truck rentals and leasing business. I would look forward to those times of the day, when we would catch a smile and make jokes but I knew Anne long before we worked together. Anne and family grew up with our family and I don't remember a time when they were completely out of our lives. I saw her children grow up, in fact we grew up together. We have found memories of when both our families drove down to Hilton Head Island in South Carolina and the Fraze "Evening all, it Connie's fault became very popular" referring to something private. The reason why I have fond memories of working with Anne despite the fact that our families were life long friends, was because it was in my early 20's that my life had changed as I had become a born again Christian. I never really talked about my faith at work and because An...