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Showing posts from January, 2012

Five hoodies and a Bus stop.

There once was a man who loved to wear his hoodie while waiting for the bus. However the bus would always come late, so he would tie his hoodie really tight around his face. One day a lady came up to him and said "you know man, you look pretty funny with that hood around your face. What would your mom say if she saw you looking so foolish?" The man replied "My mom bought this hoodie for me, and I think she would be perfectly happy if she knew I was happy wearing it the way I pleased.." The woman looked at him sarcastically, and said "If I had a son like you, who enjoyed looking so funny I don't think that I would be proud of him!" The man looked at her with a cheeky grin and said "Mom is that you?"

Consumerism in an enlightened economy.

Despite the big title this blog is about shopping. For over two and a half months, the buses in my region have been on strike leaving many stay at home moms, the elderly and students with little or no way to get to where they need to get during the working hours of the day. Churches can step in here for those who have absolutely no where to find transportation, an opportunity to show compassion. We live in a world that needs to shop. We shop for basic needs like food, but we love to just get out of the house for no reason at all to spend something on our kids or on ourselves. The malls this time in the new year are winding down from the busiest season on the calender and with the buses not running here in Markham, the mall is relatively a quiet place to do some shopping. I have to add a warning. Not everything you may think you need is something you should pursue. Most of us at around spring time like to empty our our closets and prepare for summer shopping, it's at this point th...

Reconciliation, not a One-Way street.

When it comes to the concept of reconciliation I am not an expert, but I do know several things about it that I would like to share. We all have relationships in our lives where there has been deep hurt and unforgiveness, but what I would like to share with you does not 'get you off the hook' in your relationships, it makes you a change agent in the means of restoration of the most painful relationship(s) in your life. If I can, let me define a concept for you. You=offended party.....Perpetrator=the person who caused you hurt.......Reconciliation happens when; the person who cause you hurt 1. Repents and asks for your forgiveness. 2. Repents and asks God for His forgiveness. 3. Makes restitution, (makes things right between the offended party and the offender. 4. Chooses never to 'take back' or to 'turn back' on his or her resolution to be reconciled to you and to God. Your part is to make sure that you are right with God, if you are not you can be, it called ...

TV vs Computer.

Who doesn't own a TV? I know that some of you don't. But I'd like to do a little experiment here..How many of you enjoy watching television? If you said yes, you are not alone. As I am writing this little thing there are millions of people, family and individuals sitting in front of a TV set, being brainwashed. I am not against TV, I am against the negative effects it can have on an individual. We get messages from our environment 24/7. What are you listening to? What are you watching? I know, I'm guilty too. My greatest temptation is to sit back on the new leather chair and let the television do the thinking for me. It is very easy, maybe you've tried it? Get really comfortable, we're talking lazy-boy comfortable and start flicking the channels. Oh and if you don't have a flat screen TV with loud speakers I suggest you get one. Did you find something you like? Of course you did, it's Saturday night. Now order a pizza. I suggest from an authentic Itali...

The world will not end in 2012.

It has been brought to my attention that there is great fear among the population of earth that according to the Mayan calander some truly believe that time as we know it is going to change. As a citizen of this earth I can tell you with full certainty that the world will not come to an end and if we all make it that far, life is going to go on as usual. There is not going to be some kind of change in the collective consciousness of human beings. People will make it to 2012, not only that we nor the angels in heaven do not know when this world will come to an end. Born again Christians believe in the immanent return of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ and he could return imminently. That means at any time. But the bible teaches us Christians that only God, that would be the father, and the glorified Christ in Heaven they are the only ones who know when this world will end. If you have never trusted Christ as your Saviour, there is no better time than the present. The bible says that al...

On the first Noel.

The challenge it seems for me at the beginning of 2012, is not to let old things go for they have already gone, but to keep my own eyes focused on the goal which is Jesus Christ and Him crucified. We are told we have to be an individual, to keep on eyes focused on things that matter but our greatest temptation when faced with deep needs is not to think for ourselves but to give the reins of our lives over to people who are more than eager to make our decisions for us. If I was to come to you and tell you, you know so and so has stopped being my friend, and I think so and so has made a really bad decision, I think you would tell me "Oh that is so bad, I am really sorry for your pain why don't you go and do this and that to find out what caused the problem. Surely so and so isn't that bad of a person and they might have a legitimate need in their own life, one that couldn't be filled by you. So don't feel sorry that so and so is no longer in your life, maybe it's...