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My Story.

  In 1999 I suffered a mental health crisis and admitted myself into the hospital where I live, in which I was given a mental health diagnosis. I didn’t want to receive medication at the time, but unwillingly accepted it. I was in the hospital for about two months, when I asked my doctor if I could go home, and he said yes, even though he thought it would have been better if I stayed longer.   I was glad to be home though, but at 25, it took some adjusting to feel truly at home. One of the problems I was having at home was it was hard for me to eat the food in the house. I was having a psychosis where I felt the food wasn’t mine, and I literally had to go out to eat, or buy bread from the supermarket and take it home to eat it. Eventually this wore off, but I don’t remember how long.  I was now on ODSP and had a check come to me every month in order to have financial support. I would occasionally have a crisis, and ask my mom to drive me to the hospital, but eventually the crisis would
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Who Defines Sin?

  The short answer to this question is God defines sin. But how does He do it? Sin is defined in the word of God the Bible. The Bible was composed by many authors but these authors were inspired by the spirit of God, as though the spirit of God was writing through them. So the question is “Who wrote the Bible? Man or God?” The way I can explain this is that God wrote it using the agency of man. Before the New Covenant, there were prophets and holy people who spoke for God. Their words were recorded and when the books were compiled, including the books of the New Testament, we have the Bible.   Because the Bible is God’s word, God Himself has preserved it throughout history. We understand who God is, and what is acceptable and not acceptable to God by reading the Bible. We learn this history of salvation, Israel’s deliverance and what God has done for the problem of sin, that every human being has a part in. Sin is clearly defined in the Bible, both in the Old Testament and in the New T

Some Bible Verses on Money.

  Bible verses about money. I bet you didn’t think the bible said that? Proverbs 23:5 When you glance at wealth, it disappears, for it makes wings for itself and flies like an eagle to the sky.  1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. Proverbs 13:11 Wealth quickly gained is quickly wasted — easy come, easy go! But if you gradually gain wealth, you will watch it grow. Psalm 62:10 Don’t make your living by extortion or put your hope in stealing. And if your wealth increases, don’t make it the centre of your life. Luke 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Ecclesiastes 11:1 Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again. Malachi 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that

The Cross is the Remedy for Our Sins.

  “Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.” (Hebrews 9:22) The Jews who were under the law before Christ came to earth, used the sacrificial system to cover their sins. This is partly the reason why Jesus was seen to be an enemy to the Jewish people by the elders of the Jewish people. To this day the Jewish religion is based on Torah observance, however Jesus came not to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it! (Matthew 5:17) Jesus Christ was able to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins because God credited him of keeping the law perfectly, so we would be imputed with the righteousness of Christ that he obtained from God for us. Because we are credited for Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden, (Original Sin) the only way we could have redeemed ourselves is if we could have kept the law perfectly, which is impossible because the bible teaches us that all have sinned, and fallen short of the glory

Those Whom We Serve.

  The church is here to serve humanity and it beckons people to believe the gospel. There are many things we can do for non-Christians and Christian’s alike, but what if some people refuse the service of Christianity and Christians, what are we to do then? The first thing we should do is forgive, we can’t force our kindhearted deeds upon people if they don’t want it! We can pray for our fellow humanity, and look to those who want to be served, there are many opportunities inside the church to serve fellow Christians, and others who enter the church from the outside. I believe we will be judged after we die on how we served our fellow man in the name of Christ. I believe we will be rewarded if we took this seriously. I believe as Christians we might experience loss, if we failed to serve our fellow man with love. I believe love is the right motivation if we are serving people, so it can be painful for sure if others reject our love, in the form of our service to them. We look to Christ

Why has the church lost its capacity and power?

  The church has modernized itself and in the process has lost something very valuable. It has lost its capacity to be personable. The way we reach lost souls is by seeing them, by getting to know them, and by recognizing them, but people are getting lost in the church. The church has become a busy place and is also becoming a less holy place. To make disciples we have to get to know people, and technology in the church is depersonalizing souls, and depersonalizing God for them. Faith becomes a marketable commodity, whereas in the past, churches and their leaders nourished and valued personal faith. While faith is still valued, it’s becoming something that is marketable, which reminds me of the story of Jesus in the temple turning over tables (Matthew 21:12-17). The problem isn’t that the church doesn’t work or doesn’t want to share the gospel, it could be how we are doing it. The church is currently being run like a business, and each Christian metaphorically speaking has a profit val

We All Are Created in God’s Image.

  In generations past, we didn’t have a problem with this biblical doctrine that all mankind is born in God’s image. This doctrine is different from Original sin, because of Original sin mankind is born with a sin nature and the guilt inherited from our first parents Adam and Eve. While our natures are flawed by sin, this doesn’t mean that we no longer are made in the image of God. Human beings are special creations different from the animal world because we all have a redeemable soul. Many religions have different beliefs about God and the soul, but for the nature for which I am writing, I will address the Judeo-Christian concept of faith and the soul, because Judaism and Christianity share the same bible and the same God. We need to be redeemed because we are all guilty of sin. God is our redeemer and as a Christian, I believe that Yeshua or Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the Jewish law, and through his death and resurrection, we have forgiveness and full redemption from our sins